TW: disturbing advertising imagery...
I couldn't believe seeing this ad - as ads on Reddit can be boring or stupid but never this blatantly fucked up. And generally I'm sick of women being abused for plot, character writing, as "comedy" in a "joke," etc. They say we don't live in a sexist society, and then they market ads directly like this. Is there a male equivalent? Why do I doubt that?? Is abused women the reason *why* I should become a cop? Yeah fucking right!!!
Btw is there any way to partially censor the pic...? Maybe I should just edit it.

This is fucking disgusting. I can't even. Bruv I would throw my mobile out of the window if I saw that ad randomly
Cops are the most abusive men in uniform. It’s sickening. These ads bother me so are women getting assaulted, beat up, etc in movies and shows. Why? Why does this need to be part of the plot? It’s not ok and we shouldn’t make this shit ok. Ugh
If only cops weren't as abusive to their own spauses