"I dated this girl..." "I knew a girl..." "I like girls who..." "I met this girl..."
A girl is a female under the age of 18. Every time a grown man refers to a grown woman as a girl especially in a sexual/ dating or professional context, I have started saying "girl? She was under 18? 😒"
They always get embarrassed but they can go fuck themselves, no female over the age of 16 EVER refers to guys as "boys" "I like this boy.. I met a boy .."
Fuckin gross it really shows the infantilization and the pornsickness. I get it, guys like light-hearted, "girly"women but there's a difference between being a "girly woman" ie a gal or a chick or babe and a GIRL. GIRL is child. Miss me with that pedo shit.
yes yes yes
Depends on the crowd and whether its worth it, but I know a guy who will say 'man' to me in a conversation as a turn of phrase, and i will just correct him and say 'woman'. He is learning. And it feels good to hear it said. Some people will just respect you. Some won't. (slightly different to your 'girl' thing but in a similar mindless vein)
Lol I definitely referred to men as boys And women as girls. The funny thing is my dad started to take issue with me calling myself a girl and saying I wasn’t a girl. Eventually it sunk in and now I always call women, well women. Funny thing is I have a HARD time calling men men, because they actually are boys, so very few are responsibly or bare any semblance to an adult male so calling them men feels wrong.
Yeah. This really bothers me... ick. But its so damn normalised... I definitely cringe but also feel like I'm over reacting 🙄
And have you never noticed that when they're being gross pedo's they refer to 13~18 year old girls as women?
I literally had this a few days ago ha! Had a few dates with a guy (not boy…a guy lol) but when I realised he was LV I sent him a polite message saying that even though we had fun and I was attracted to him we weren’t compatible and wished him luck. He replies’I’m sure you’ll find someone as your a good looking girl’ 😳😳 I’m sure it’s a demoralising statement when they do this. I didn’t even get a compliment on my character just that I’m a pretty little girl lol
Wanted to add that I aslo can't stand when an adult woman is referred as cute. A little child is cute, a woman is anything but.
We should reverse the script and start referring to all men as boys and in infantilising, patronising manner, like they do to us. Something like, "One of the boy-professors at my school thinks he is so smart..." "That boy-cop who pulled me over was so adorable, bless his little heart..." "My boy-doctor works long hours. I wonder what his wife thinks about it..."