I was talking to a friend lately, and she mentioned how she always felt, no matter what she did, she would never be on the "attractive side". Of course I always hype her up and I don't really see her as unattractive, but she mentioned how it's about "bone structure" etc and how she got significantly less attention than me. I don't want to invalidate her on that, of course, so I accepted her argument to an extent.
Lately we had a discussion about planning dates. I mentioned to her how a man should put some effort into planning a day, otherwise you would feel like his mom and this is a huge turn-off. She agreed.
I then went ot the toilet and overheard two guys on the next table saying (looking at my friend) "She's a 2 out of 10 and expects that treatment?" I stopped and gave him a dirty look and he said "sorry" and shut up, but when I went back to our table, I felt really bad about it.
What right did they have to rate her like that and imply this?! She doesn't deserve respect just because she doesn't fulfill the ideal? I mean, when a man decides to date her, he decides to date HER, exactly as she is. And it's not like she isn't grooming herself or anything. Yeah, she has short hair and decides to present as less "feminine", but that's her decision. Her last boyfriend accepted her just like that and nobody ever treated her less than because of it, so I don't get the point of these misogynistic men. I feel really bad that men feel so confident in saying these things. And it's not like they respect "pretty" women more or abuse them less or anything (from my own experience).
Ha! I bet he's projecting -- if he were more than a "2 out of 10" himself, maybe he'd be able to achieve the goal of treating a woman to dinner, instead of having to settle for a night out with his "bro" so they can sit there and take potshots at the women sitting at other tables -- women who probably (and rightly) wouldn't give this LVM five seconds of her time!
LVM opinions have 0
Small dick energy, for sure
I'm sure the guys who said that weren't a vision of beauty themselves. Tell your friend that from one masculine lady who gets called a dyke a lot(me): Fuck them. She's still hott and deserves to act like she's hott. The patriarchy's over bearing opinion of women's appearance is rooted in misogyny and pedophilia. It's also trendy and changes with the seasons.
Each and every women deserve to be respected and treated with humanity -- because we are all human beings. But this world is a selfish one, and we can't control how other people will see and treat us.
That's why it starts with getting rid of the desire for other people's validation, and screen their opinions on us critically. Who gives a shit what trash think -- if it ain't benefitting us in any way, to the trash bin it goes.
Men will literally rate Megan Fox 2/10 for no reason but to peg any women down. It’s just insecure women-hating behaviour honestly.
They heard your conversation and decided to neg your friend.
Reminder that men's rankings mean literally nothing. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think some men who others find attractive are butt ugly. These men showed they were losers not worth you and your friend's time, next