Though it is better to divorce than to stay in an bad marriage, women still face struggles. This is not a MRAs fever dream where women rob all the men of his money and live happily ever after, while the man is in a pit if despair. It seems no matter what we do the system will bite us in the ass, but it's important how we deal with these struggles as a woman.
Links to sources:
Last time I checked, the yearly average child support total in America was $5,750. Men are begrudging paying this paltry sum? They're only angry, because they want all of their money and freedom after divorce to secure their next p*ssy. They don't care about their kids if they don't like the mother anymore and don't have access to her.
Thank you so much for sharing this! It was really informative! Just a heads up though, FDS is REALLY wierd about posting screenshots. Everytime I try to share something from tumblr or Twitter, I get dogpiled and told "jUsT sTaRt YoUr oWn bLoG"