Hola ladies!
I know that we don't agree consistently with X or Y waves of feminism. Depending on the degree we either don't refer to ourselves as feminists at all or we side-eye "those" feminists that don't align with our own philosophies. So I'm just curious regarding the masses HERE. Do YOU define yourself as a feminist? If you do, how do you separate yourself conversationally from (mostly) lib-fems?
I find that men especially will try and find ways to pigeonhole feminism as this ONE thing or that ONE thing and then define you as a "bad" feminist for not supporting every issue that is touted as being feminist. I want to be a positive voice for the sisterhood but sometimes find it hard to articulate the value of claiming feminism despite its inconsistencies and the ways that it becomes weaponized.
Inwas just thinking about this recently: how when conservative men want to gripe about women, they can always find a way to blame feminism. So on the one hand they blame feminism for women being "sluts" and on the other hand they blame feminism for women being man-hating lesbians. They can do that because many many contradictory things get called feminism (and also because they hate us).
I'm on the man-hating lesbian side of feminism (figuratively, as I'm not a lesbian), and opposed to the *slutting it up is empowering* fauxminism. I'm stubborn, so I want to say that I subscribe to *real* feminism, the pro-woman anti-patriarchy kind.
But I guess that doesnt answer your question. In that case - I'm a radfem. I understand that there are nuts in radical feminism who believe in a *must practice what you preach or else fuck you* strategy. I havent encountered them personally, so I have no allegiance with them, or any thoughts on them really. I just understand radical feminism as the philosophy of examining the root cause of women's oppression and what that means for us in our daily lives, as well as a political movement to improve women's lives in ways informed by the aforementioned philosophy.
I am a feminist in that I support women to have the same rights as men, should not be discriminated against for our gender (because we're usually better at many things on the ground), and should have sexual freedom that isn't tied to how men view us. However, there are tenets of liberal feminism that have been so severely co-opted by men to control us as opposition to the system, that doing a lot of things that a free woman can do isn't always a positive. Men are using feminism to say men and women are equal - we are not, we are different in important ways. Freeing women sexually used to be a good thing. This would ensure that nothing like bride-killings over a flap of skin happened. Now people are weaponizing libfem ideology against us. There needs to be a 4th wave that directs feminism back to benefitting US in a system that is designed to feed us to men - hopefully someday by overthrowing it.
I consider myself a feminist but I don't call myself one. In my country, feminism is "western belief that tells women to dress slutty and act like wh*res" which is not wrong considering that's what libfem is. I use pro-woman's liberation talking points and views without labelling it as feminism.
Men should shut up about what they think feminism is, imo. If "feminism" serves men's interest, it's not real feminism.
I would consider myself to be a feminist because I want women to be liberated from the patriarchy. Mainstream feminism sucks for many reasons we’ve discussed here (porn, etc). I tend to agree with a lot of radical feminist theory but I feel like I’m not well read enough to call myself a radical feminist yet.
If I'm actually talking to people about this and related topics, I try to not label anything at all. I just talk about the actual issues. Partially because labels seem to get people unnecessarily up in arms, partially because I don't trust myself to 100% know which opinions I hold technically fall into what labeled category on any given day, partially because I don't trust the person I'm talking to to label themselves accurately either.
So broadly, sure I'm a feminist, probably mostly radfem. But that label wouldn't be the focal point of conversation.
I like radfems eventhough I feel like the first wave feminism is enough. All we need is the final say in our lives, decisions and choices. Not men or the goverment. Abortion is a woman's right and no woman's right needs to be desputing by disgusting biological males in a dress.
I don't care about sexualization of women, or that they make women characters very hot in games or movies. As long men don't touch them or pressure them to have sex.
I don't care about many of the things feminism talk about but I do care about the disrespect girls face in the household, like if men don't do chores, don't get good grades, arrive late in class don't work, do nothing all day then they are still the families favorite but a girl is lazy.
Sure women should let a good future go by because of laziness, discipline is the way of life but men shouldn't get away with this, they need to be raised properly.
I think it's should be mandatory for boys to go to finishing schools/ boarding schools bootcamps as soon as they start acting out or be lazy. Potential criminals should not have the option to live life as they please, they need to be trained like dogs.