So on Sundays after I’m done work, I enjoy going to this bar down the street. They’re new, so Sundays are super dead for them, I’m usually the only person in there unless I bring my boyfriend or a friend. But I’ve spent many Sundays just sitting, enjoying my drink, chatting with the chill male bartender. I don’t go unless he’s working because he makes the best cocktails. And I always tip him very well, 50 or 60%. I’ll usually get some food while I’m in there too. Tonight he asks if I wanna try a new cocktail he’s adding to the menu, I say of course. He asks if I want to try X or Y in it. I say, surprise me. Try the drink, it’s not my favourite. He asks how I like it. I say “it’s alright.” He says “woah okay, miss high maintenance.” I brush it off but it definitely bothered me. A while later he makes a comment about how I need 3 dips for my chicken fingers….again, calling me high maintenance. I’m like…. “For enjoying some variety?” Never heard him say anything when my boyfriend doesn’t like a drink! Or when he too, requests different dips. This isn’t the first time a man has called me high maintenance for stating a preference over something. First time from this particular man, but really they’re all the same in the end. It’s definitely gonna be the last time I’m “polite” about it though. Idk, I’m sitting here at home, many hours after this interaction and just peeved about it.
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He really wants you to prove you aren't high maintenance to him 🤢 next time double down on how high maintenance you are.
Vote with your feet, find a different bar.
Stop spending your money there. Surely there are local places with female bartenders who would appreciate your business and won't insult the customers?
It's a jerky neg no matter from whom, but a bartender of all people? A person whose literal job it is to take various food/drink preferences into account? Everyone likes their drink a little different. Mixology is basically doing trial and error for a living. He should be used to some of his creations being a miss or just so-so. I'm sure that happens all the time. But of course as a woman, if you expect people to just do their jobs, you're high maintenance. Jeez.
I feel like he probably got a lot of validation from you before and because you expressed something seemingly negative (which was not at all negative) he took it super personally because he's a man baby that doesn't understand you expressing that you didn't personally like the new cocktail is not the same as you saying he's a failure loser fuckface. (Though his reaction says as much)
Write a Google review mentioning how the bartender served you and find another bar
Starting to see why they don’t get much business. I’d find a different bar.
One asked me how old I am one time. When I told him he responded you could've said none of your business 💀💀