Dear Queens,
Overall I hoped the Queens could lend wisdom for my current dilemma.
My current job is nice on paper but the STEM field I am in has few women still, and the misogyny and racism I have faced on the job is unreal.
My boss and I are in different ethnic groups and I am a woman, which he seems to hate more. He takes every excuse he can to bully me and has
definitely “forgotten” to send me vital training. It has gotten to the point that my other okay coworkers feel sorry for me and have informally advised me to quit.
I have little true recourse because I am a contractor and he isn’t, and my contracting firm is even worse than my client company because their idea of a holiday gift is to promote my consistent harasser (contractor guy that is my boss’ favorite) to be my reporting manager, effective in 2023.
It has gotten worse since I built my own training guides and, since I knew these guys would steal my work given the opportunity, I took advantage of a visit from the team’s department head (my boss’ boss) to show him my personal project. Apparently the dept. head likes it so much that they want to implement it everywhere in-company.
Obviously, I want to bail as soon as I complete this training update and get a written offer that liberates me from these guys’s control, but I am wondering if
A) it would be better to bail on the companies I am in now overall and go to another company altogether.
B) try to angle for a promotion to another division in the same company that would not let me continue to be subordinate to my current terrible boss.
What should I do?
What should I look out for since I have not received promises of promotion in my current company?
Thanks in advance.
Smart to show the boss your work. Can you leverage this training to get yourself a consultant role in the company that’ll get you away from this guy? Can you leverage the training for another job externally? How soon could you possibly transfer to another department in the same company?
Idk how much things have changed but my dad was a minority in tech experiencing a lot of racism as well. He wrote a manual on how to do his job with the idea that he would be promoted and he was laid off as soon as he finished it.
My gut says ditch this company. It sounds awful.
Idk if Tech is your frield, but I went to a women in tech event at Ikea and really liked the women I met there (many were poc). It was a very welcoming environment.
I met a lot of fellow women in the Tech field by joining meetup groups specifically for women in that field. They would share when there were job openings at their companies as well!
If I have an HR department, how do I go in strong?
In an update that will probably shock no one, my company emailed me a confirmation that they mysteriously “forgot” to pay me my last few paychecks. They plan to pay me in 2023.
I had wondered why my account wasn't receiving money but thought it was a separate irregularity.
I of course have emailed myself proof of their conduct. What should I do next?
It is very clear that harasser guy and boss only barely tolerate me because they believe the current project is a means of exploiting me to *finally* be useful to them. 🤢🤮
DM me directly if necessary. I left a lot out because I want to stay as anonymous as possible.
Awesome! Thank you!