I've been miserable at my job for too long. I have a dickhead conservative male boss who made me figure everything out by myself. This was a completely new industry for me. I'd ask him simple questions about process/rules/how to do things and he would say "I don't know". Once people who had no connection to me, shouldn't me teaching me shit, started helping me I realized he knew ALL the questions I asked. He's just a lazy asshole.
I accepted a new role with a female boss who seems like she wants to help me grow. She's very positive. AND I'm making a lot more money. Obviously I'm giving up a few things but I feel slightly closer to moving up in the world. I'm going to buy a house.
FDS and FDSLevelUpStrategy were a big push for me. I realized I was being complacent and setting myself back in life.
OH! Also, I raised my standards and broke up with my boyfriend.
Congrats 💐🎉🎉
Well done! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Well done in every way!
Congrats sis!!! Cheers to leveling up in multiple ways!
Congratulations! It’s always great to get a better paying! Plus, you dropped the deadweight in your life, and now you can find a new boyfriend and a new house :)