Hey yall. I'm reading through this book for the first time and reached chapter 9 where it makes the case for why you should get on OLD to start going on more dates. I've never done OLD before though, so I was wondering what you ladies thought of the advice presented in this chapter?
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Dumpster diving. You might find a brand new pair of Jimmy Choos in your size. More likely to find garbage.
I personally would stay away from OLD. I haven’t used OLD since last year as all I have seen on there are LVM/NVM.
I think that with all of the current media coverage of Heard v. Depp it's best to give OLD distance with several Olympic swimming pools worth of distance. There are too many pill philosophy popping snakes in the digital grass with grudges and they won't hesitate to take it out on you for NO. REASON. I was on Tinder and swiped right on a guy who was sweet and funny in the initial messages and in our first hour of talking on the phone until he released the ANTI-FEMINISM ANTI-WOKE BEAST ONTO ME. I hung up then he called back to apologize wanting to take me out for music and dancing and it was a HELL TO THE NAW for me. Men love to complain about women being whiny victims but it's really just them projecting. I have decided to no longer 'date' them from OLD. Because it isn't dating for them IT'S AN INTERROGATION. Stay woke, ladies.
There is no "power", it's a meat market and men are the customer. Women are a minority on OLD.
Men, in general, don't go on OLD to date. It's a catalog of prostitutes for them.
If you ever come across a normal guy who comes there to date they either delete the app because they don't get matches or meet someone so fast it does not matter.
I've used OLD on and off for 2 years and last time I logged in, ALL men I've dated are still there, they are factory rejects, forever single.
Please, don’t use OLD. It’s way too risky as a woman. Men can hurt you, emotionally and physically abuse you, manipulate and lie to you so easily through OLD. Men can steal a woman’s bank account. They can assault and rape you. OLD is too fucking normalized, and I’m tired of seeing it everywhere. You never really know who is behind the screen. Yes, even if you call or FT. You will always be taking a risk because you don’t know how they are in person especially with men since they can be such good manipulators. Look up “woman sexually assaulted online dating app” and a bunch of results will pop up. Save yourself some time and energy by not using OLD. There are plenty of other ways to meet people. Clubs (e.g book clubs not night clubs), volunteering, workshops, hiking and other sports groups, etc. Don’t use OLD if you want to be safe!!! Remember stranger danger? The phrase our parents taught us as kids. We should keep this saying in mind and not normalize OLD. Hope this advice helps
I think OLD can be a great tool for PRACTICING VETTING ONLY. Yes 99.999% on there are NVM/LVM. However I do think in order to get experienced in vetting and giving out queen energy in dating it is necessary to get out there and practice a lot. You learn more about yourself and men in general by actually interacting with scrotes plus you get to apply the strategies you’ve learned from here. In that regard OLD comes in handy. As long as you are not on there hoping to find someone to potentially invest your time and energy in (bc it’ll be a total waste). Spending the time on OLD and going on OLD dates is a productive use of time to practice. However be cautious because the more negative experience you have with men the more pessimistic you get and that can be mentally exhausting. Nobody likes to be negative. It will also give you the illusion that HVM don’t exist. They do. And they are rare, but def not on OLD. All in all if OLD is used by a queen with the right intentions it could be useful.
Listen to the FDS podcast episode on Online dating for more insight. If you do it, make sure you do video screening calls before meeting in person.
I just tried using coffee meets bagel. I get a lot of likes but no one seems to want to talk? Haha its weird. Anyways im just on there to try, im not expecting anything to come out of it
What does OLD mean?