I am on a journey to increase pleasure in life, be more kind to myself and to just enjoy myself more. Are there any books that can help to guide me in this matter? Do you ladies know of any fun self care books that are rad-fem oriented? I don't want any male centering bullshit in them, or overly capitalistic endorsments.
Thanks in advance!
“The Gift of a Year” by Mira Kirschenbaum. She’s older, a psychiatrist, and the book was published about 20 years ago, but it changed my life!
The basic concept is: set aside one year to do something for yourself. Anything. Something you’ve always dreamed of doing, but never felt the time was right.
Take one year to invest in yourself. We women are socialized to serve others. Break out of it by caring for You.
The first half of the book, is mostly encouraging you to actually do it, sprinkled with inspiring stories of women who did The Year. The second half of the book, is practical advice for how to create your Year.
I took a year to “love and care for my body,” which meant not skipping meals, doing more yoga, taking a daily luxurious bath, dancing lessons, wonderful candles and music in my home, and other physical pleasures. I capped off the year with a solo vacation to Cambodia, and had the time of my life! It was the first time I’d actually listened to - and cared for -my body.
I highly recommend the book, especially for older women, or women who have suffered trauma and are disconnected from themselves.
Younger women probably know the value of self-care, but for me this book was a game-changer.