First off, most husbands HAAAAAATE their wives. They WANTED to pump and dump and the forever maid-service doesn't fix the fact that they never wanted the woman they married. They just wanted some dick-in-hole, and since it's a game, they played around with everyone's high stakes. :I
Second, my boss cannot (usually) uproot me. My boss cannot cut me off from family, or legally fuck my name up. My boss cannot sabotage me with pregnancy.
Third, my boss HAS. TO. PAY. ME.
Yes. I'd rather work for my boss who likely hates me (but is usually just not that invested), than jump through endless hoops for an equal who has made himself a superior.
Redpill scrotes are genuinely evil and do not think women are people.
I'd rather sell my soul to Goldman Sachs 5 days a week than depend on some loser for my livelihood
I'd rather bust my ass working for a boss than depend on a scrote husband. At least most bosses offer benefits like vacations or healtcare. They can't tell me how to spend my money either.😁
"Wouldn't you rather serve a husband than a boss who likely hates you?"
Most men who say this are shitty providers who can barely provide for a wet paper bag much less a family. I've noticed these men tend to be alcohol/drug/porn/video game addicts.
They WISH they could provide for a woman as much as a shitty boss does.
I mean, yeah, I'd rather have a HV husband who takes care of all my bills, spoils me rotten, pays for us to go on multiple vacations a year, treats me with respect and kindness, is happy to see me, loves the children we create with all his heart, sends them to only the best private school, then on to the best college we can, and makes sure our children grow up happy, healthy, and well off. Of course I'd choose to be a kept woman over working for a boss. Of course being a lady of leisure to a man who sees my lifelong companionship as his ultimate win is my dream. Like, isn't that all our dream?
Until I get him tho I'm gonna work for a boss and live in MY two story house with a large backyard for my dog, pick between my two cars to drive to my shopping sprees, make sure to tip my housekeeper and landscapers, go to my personal training classes on time, and live my absolute best life SINGLE until with a man appears who deserves all the joy and happiness that being my husband will bring him. Marriage is what you make of it and I am sucessful enough that any kind of union I enter into will ONLY be awesome and exactly what I want.
Right! AND my uncle advised me that working for one employer is risky. And never forget, as women many of us are enduring hell at work too from misogynistic jerks. But at least we can sue them now! I started my own business the last 4 years and my uncle was right. I can have multiple clients, multiple revenue streams and tell jerks to F off, and I choose to mostly work with other women. Further, my own money does not cheat on me, gaslight me, talk trash to me, lie, and it works for me when I want it to. Sweet victory. I prefer to sleep with my puppy and my Benjamins, just saying. I have my friends, nieces and nephews to love. I will only date a substantial, kind, HVM. Hard to come by. And I will not get married to some lying scrote to take this away from me. Most are lvm and hate real work. Women are the ones out here working hard.
Ladies, set yourself up well financially first to protect yourself from a scrote at work and avoid a scrote in your home. My mom is hella happy that I have my own house, money and freedom. She married my dad after high school, no college and no work ever, and has been stuck in his hell for 40 years and can't get out. I help her but mentally she is trapped. She tried to get a job when we were kids and I witnessed him roasting her for it.
Serve? Like cook, clean, make babies and f$%k?
That's a unique job. Must pay well.