What is the FDS stance on prenups?
Assuming FDS is pro-prenup, when should it be brought up, and who should bring it up? I feel like timing is key; you don't want to do it too soon or too late.
What should be included in a prenup that benefits the woman (particularly a childfree, never-married woman)?
I am brand new to the prenup game and would love to hear your thoughts.
FDS is for it! With timing, I would say when making marriage plans like the other member posted and start gentle talks about it sooner. I would make sure that in the case of divorce, you can live comfortably in terms of finances. Make sure you would always be okay no matter what happens. Housing, car, furniture, alimony, and everything else is up to par with your standards.
It's insane how much men in divorce want to financially kill off their ex spouse to the point of poverty. I've seen it a million times with divorcing men so make no mistake about the financial lengths they will go to in order to hurt you once it's over. Consider everything and have a lawyer review it.