I had two kids, and both times, the pain was unbearable but also, the feeling was overwhelming.
I've had an abcesss teeth before but those were slightly less painful despite being downright awful.
I have one ex-friend (our politics don't line up) who says she can just sneeze, and her babies came out.
I know childbirth is different for everyone though. My mom said hers were a breeze, but judged my aunt for screaming in pain.
I have Tokophobia so I don’t want to experience that. Especially when the modern male rather eat pizza or play video games games in a different room because he’s bored while I risk my life.
I can't even imagine how much does it hurt. When women say something hurts, then it REALLY fucking hurts.
I haven't given birth personally but the "traumatic birth" stories I've heard from friends and family are usually about being treated badly by medical personnel or their spouses during the process. Being talked down to or insulted, people ignoring or dismissing their questions, legitimate concerns, cries of pain or requests and feeling unsafe because of that, nobody explaining what is happening and why or asking for consent before invasive, painful or traumatizing procedures (like a surprise episiotomy without warning)... the usual stuff.
I think I only know two women who didn't have some kind of horror story: a friend with a planned c-section because the baby hadn't turned (which was apparently super calm, quick and efficient because everything had been planned ahead) and a cousin who gave birth in a birthing center with only midwives around (they are usually on the grounds of hospitals here and you get transferred there if anything goes wrong) which took a long time and was painful (no epidural) but she felt like she was the one making the decisions at all times. The same cousin had given birth in a busy hospital before that and said that she felt like she ceased to be a person the moment she came and felt like a piece of meat and an inconvenience the whole time. She chose the birthing center for her second birth because she didn't want to go through that again.
I had one that was easy breezy (as much as childbirth CAN be) until the epidural fell out and the pain hit me like a freight train without my expecting it. That wound up being an emergency c-section. The second, I didn't want to not be able to move (can't move your legs with an epidural) so I did it in a birthing center with a doula and no drugs. Hurt like hell and took 50 hours but a way better experience because I was the one in control. I don't want any more kids, but my advice to those that do...unless you're high risk, give birth among WOMEN in a birthing center. They know what they are doing and even better they TRUST that YOUR body knows what it's doing.