And i don't think this is most women.
It's the type of women who have cheated on their boyfriend/husband before, or who attack a woman who the boyfriend lies to.
For example, if a guy says he's single and sleeps with someone, but was lying and has a girlfriend, that's not the girls fault unless she believes him again.
But there are girlfriends of guys like this who will then launch a witchhunt attack on an innocent person who was lied to nonstop, instead of breaking up with a dude.
It's sort of akin to women who blame women for getting assaulted, but not to that level, of course.
I know a chick who's dude WILL NOT stop sleeping with random women. And it's a different woman every few weeks, and she expects everyone to go along with her whole "all the other women alive are evil, and she's the biggest victim" crap, when she even requests that he be mean to those same women next time they see them. After they've already been lied to, and love bombed. Plus, this chick cheated on HIM before.
Not all women who get cheated on are innocent and sweet, and a lot of the time, they "bond" with their dude by further damaging women he has already hurt.
I don't understand women like this, because unless you have kids with a man, if he's cheating on you (or hitting you, and this dude also hits her) you're supposed to leave. I'm pro-woman, but women who hate themselves this much that they stay usually have something really wrong with them, are co-dependent, non-functional adults, or are psychopathic (or all three).
Triangulation. He's spinning both sides and abusing both women. It is not either woman's fault. It doesn't really matter how they are reacting to his abuse, because his abuse and cheating is the issue.
Ultimately, it is the MAN who is the problem.
You're missing the initial steps of abuse like this where the guy has already trauma bonded the girl who is launching the witchunts.
Also, women with kids who are being cheated on should leave too.
I'd read up on triangulation a bit... you're missing the major points of what men like this create for both women.