" Feminist" "Neurodiversity" ""Free Palestine". In my opinion, men stating these things in their profiles are the worst predators. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Abusers. Cheaters.
My "feminist" ex would rally with Extinction Rebellion against Climate Change. He also heatbutted his nine year old son, beat me up, cheated and spent approx. 10k in my savings, then kicked me out on the street. What a lovely guy!
The loser who cried because he wanted to multidate has a youtube channel that is mostly about being a " good person". Again, what a catch!
I am quite liberal. I feel the state should take care of its people. I am a feminist and support the LGBTQ- movement (within reason ofcourse). I am pro-choice. And I work as an educator. But apart from ticking the "left-wing" box on Bumble, I do not pretend to be some " nice girl" to lure in broken men. That shit's just scary.
Yeah whenever a man advertises anything about himself, he's either lying or trying to manipulate whoever he's advertising to. They do not care about anything they tout or spout.
Men who actually care will lead by example and take action. And they'll do it without broadcasting to whoever they think will pay attention.
Most men are broken and that's what makes them dangerous. Women don't need to do anything to lure men (especially broken ones. They'll always be looking for us.)