So, Pastor P deleted my comments claiming she's anti-female after she attacked her own audience by claiming most women (who work hard jobs, btw) want adult benefits without responsibilities. These are the women who pay her rent. Pastor P is an anti-female fraud.
Melanie Hamletts boyfriend or whatever fucking wedged his way into her podcasts, and she can't stfu about how hes not like all the other men who are abusers, but he probably is.
The thing about YouTube is that people who get paid to be on it get sucked into fake redpill (manpill) since thats the way politics are going.
Most YouTubers are talking heads who don't even realize when they're doing the dirty work for male supremacy (or worse, don't care when it's pointed out).
I'm trying to think of strategies to help us keep our peace and listen to more pro-female strategies without falling for fraudulent women who make money off of us.
FDS is non-profit, thank God.
These pick me heffas will one day realise their mistakes going agaisnt their fellow women for male attention. Pick me women will never be at peace. They will always live in derangement
I also want benefits of being an adult without the man made responsibilities because I did not ask to be born, why are women the only ones who are shamed for that? Everyone wants that.
The only responsibility I want is make money and create a happy life for myself taking the steps that are needed,
My responsibility is not looking after a man or taking accountability for the actions of men. You did it so it’s your fault not mine.
Pastor P is a true snake in the grass, she was selling her books easily on the backs of women and she had the nerve to behave this way.
Melanie Hamlett is probably a grifter too and will soon charge ppl for money, As soon as the woman is letting their man piggy back riding on her audience you already know she’s full of trash. I followed a Kawaii artist and her finance remained in the background helping her but now he is selling his own merch close to her table and it ruined the pink kawaii vibe she once had.
Men always piggy back ride on the success of women. Yet nobody is telling them to take responsibility instead of just benefiting from being an adult, Pastor P should know that there isn’t a single wealthy man who took responsibility as there is always a woman behind the scene they used to reach to the top.
If I were her I would just refund the money back to the women and just ‘take responsibility’ it’s funny how the ones she lashes out on paid her bills instead of doing it herself. So much for the take accountability crap red pillers love to spew.
I know, especially when they start with ‘If you want to support the channel bla bla bla in the beginning. It really gets on my nerves, why can’t they set up something that you can do to support them for free? Like a book on Kindle, or ask your viewers not to skip ads, or subscribe to get the rate up to reach more ppl.
Unless you’re a vocal anti trans activist and need to keep these men away from my space you ain’t my sister and I’m not spending a dime on you.