Can we compile an FDS-approved list of online, pro-female podcasters?
It's really easy to fall for the wrong things, especially when you're looking for 4B and female-centered content, and even women like Pastor P are blaming women for being abused.
In her latest video, she's just spouting "redpill" talking points about how women want benefits of being adults without responsibilities. (Her co-host said this, and she said she agrees) And how no matter how a woman's life is with men, it's HER fault.
She has no empathy for other women, and the comments on her videos are from women who aren't coasting off of donations, and work full time, but she wants to let her co-host talk about how women are lazy or some shit while she screams at Amaya for existing and we pay her for it.
We need a bonafide list of female content creators to send young girls to so they don't get pipelined. I heard shera7 is great.
Can we make a list of actual pro-female women?
IDK that shera7 is the best role model for FDS minded women. Her whole strategy is basically being a sugar baby for much older men and using them to be financially set for life. She is okay with cheating and her advice for women who don’t want to sleep with men they are unattracted to is to “drink alcohol.”
Choosing the wrong man is not your fault but procreating with him is where I believe you’re a bad mother. My own mother did that and according to Pastor P I need to forgive… no way..
I knew it eventually it will happen, As soon as she started talking about forgiving a mother for letting you down for being a pick me I knew she was only acting. For me the mask has dropped and I just un subbed.
Amber akilla, Cecilia Regina, dr Ramani are the ones I trust
I personally support women’s rights or wrongs. Women are judged harshly for just existing unless she’s an anti feminist like that dumb ass pick me Pearl Davis and Candace Owens who go agaisnt women for male approval - yeah they deserve all the HATE!
The audaci-tea - on Spotify they are a radical feminist podcast - and most likely FDS approved✅