My aunt found them in his porn stash when she was cleaning his room. Like, my fucking face covered in old man jizz.
I feel like I need to be on suicide watch.
I kept asking why he was being cut off by my family, and my aunt was the only one who could break it to me.
I feel fucking sick. This is a man who wouldn't let us eat ham because of the Old testament.
I honestly just hate men now. Are they even human...
Edit: I called the suicide hotline and feel a little better
what the actual fuck. I’m so sorry, I hope you a feeling better. Most religious Men are diabolical and disgusting - it’s all a front from the fact that they’re really nasty as hell. And NO men are not human, they are devolved animals
Your bio granddad? What the fuck.
I mean, I know it's not uncommon for men to be incestuous but what the fuck. Does men just see every woman as a hole to use? They are sick in the soul.
OP I'm so sorry this has happened to you!
I know there is wonky stuff in my bloodline that is similar. My mother was also raped by a priest in her teens....
I think all of our bloodlines contain similar types of scrotery.
Just know, OP, you didn't do anything to deserve this. He is a sick person; that's it, that's all. It has nothing to do with you!
Hugs 💗 You'll get through this!
Uh… I feel like puking. There is a reason why they say that a girls first predator is the male relative. I had my own scrote father gawk over my picture saying it’s a hot mama until I reminded him that’s my picture
Good Lord 😳😳😳
He’s a sick sick sick man. You always have to watch out for men that are overly religious/pious; it’s always an act and a cover for some serious deviancy. I’m so so sorry. I’m happy that he’s been secluded from the rest of your family. He’s not human to answer your question and a very dangerous person to be around.
Please don’t think about ending torn life over a degenerate like him. He’s not worth you losing your life over. He’s a pervert who’ll get what’s coming to him.