So like, there's the whole cat lady trope, but like, those women arent BOTHERING anyone.
The absolute most INSANE, angry, unhappy men ive EVER met were over 35 and single.
The more chronically single they are, the more insane they actually go, because they're parasites by nature who are worried who will do for them.
Testerical old men are a thing, for real, and do ANYTHING as a woman, and you'll set them fucking OFF.
They can't just fucking BE.
Being a cat lady (I have two kittens who love me ) never ruined my life, never got between my happiness or accomplishments but humans do. So I’ve come to the conclusion that humans are not great companions to live with. Especially men and pickmes, Most women are not on girl code and let their forever boyfriends move in with them showing no regards towards their female roommates.
I'm afraid to even say "excuse me" to a man, if he happens to be in my way.
I mean facts back this up single men and widowers are more likely to be worse off than single women and widows. Men are the miserable ones, it’s funny how they paint it out to be the opposite way round - on their red pill podcasts JOKERS