I was raised "red pill" by a male supremacist who gaslit me a lot.
I fell into male supremacy culture in my early teens to the point of being suicidal.
The things I read online about men having objectively better brains were lies. Red pill is supposed to mean TRUTH.
The truth is that women have smaller brains overall, even when adjusted for overall size, but BIGGER prefrontal cortexes. (The part of the brain that makes us fucking human)
Pastor P, for all the ways we may not agree with everything she says or does, also illuminated the fact that experienced neuroscientists admit that men and women are different species (an exaggeration, of course).
They have better brains in some ways, but ours are noticeably more active and intraconnected.
Male supremacy is growing more than a lot of women think, and the scary thing is that they're right about a LOT, but wrong about women chronically.
These are the people subjugating us, and it's not born of inherent superiority; a lot of this is male ego. I feel like prey, even though I know I'm more capable than they are in many ways.
if it makes you feel any better the men trying to feel strong, alpha and powerful by putting women down are actually pathetic and wasting their time. Most men want to control women to act like theyre building an empire but theyre really building a sand castle.
theres not a whole lot even if superwoman existed could do to fix a scrote. theyre a lost cause from the get go.
that being said its better to focus your effort protecting your self, energy and peace. also self-defense cause we all know men get violent when they go on tantrums