A dude thinks taking me out on a date tonight means he can text over and over and demand I call him? Nope. Cancel.
I cook a nice meal for myself.
Dude wants to buy me a phone just to call him when I said I don't call men at work? Keep your phone. I don't need a harassment device.
If they think I'm "just like all the other women" (got told this today) then theyre right. And the other women are right in avoiding him.
But I won't tell him. I don't even always block. Cry in out in my dms like a giant baby, idgaf.
The minute a male thinks his life trajectory is meant to overshadow mine in any way, I'm gone.
You aren't hurting his feelings; there's a fucking demonic pit where the feelings men could have for women are, usually.
When you correct a man’s behavior, he knows what behavior to hide from the next woman. He hasn’t changed, he just knows how to act.