In my teens I fell down the red pill rabbit hole.
All the anti-female reddit pages, and BEFORE that, it was and porn.
I also had a misogynistic upbringing, and a misogynistic stepfather, who, at best, had a paternal sort of sexism.
I do my best to look for truths about gender, but the hatred I get from men still overwhelms me.
I KNOW we aren't inferior, but this war they've started is tiring. Them DENYING they started a war is TIRING.
Detox from the tox. just get it out of your life. Your input shapes your outlook.
Unfollow all and any toxic ish. Unhook. detach.
start looking for positive examples of maledom, whether historic, current, or fictional.
Center yourself an dyour joy. Do not even entertain that ish.
Read the handbook.
Re-read the handbook.
Draw that line for yourself and don't look back.