I get on good with coworkers.
Ill cover shifts and give up shifts and help with their work.
I'm great with customers.
But my bosses are almost ALWAYS so blase about me.
I have no idea why.
When they hire me, they're almost always ecstatic, but that quickly fades to basically ignoring me. Not in an intentional way, but I just fade into the background with them in a way that I don't with coworkers.
I know this isn't a dating question, but FDS women are the only people I trust nowadays. XD
As someone who has been in that boat a few times, I feel like it's partially because we're competent, so they don't get an ego boost from 'helping' us.
It has also been that once they realize just how capable you are, they can feel threatened, so they'd rather pour their energy into the non-threatening but friendly staff.
Another way to look at it is to take it as a compliment. As long as they're not giving you trouble or creating a toxic environment, you should count your blessings and wring as much benefit as you can out of your job.
I manage a small team, and if someone is competent at their job, it means I don't have to step in and do their work for them. I'm polite and friendly to everyone I manage, but I do not go out of my way to make anyone feel special. This might come across as blase, but believe me, I feel relieved when I work with someone I don't have to monitor/correct/coMmUNiCATe with all the time.
My coworker is a pickme and thinks she has it good with my boss because she’s become essentially his personal assistant, always getting invited on his private boat and receives presents from his wife for being so helpful in his personal life. My boss doesn’t give me much attention however I can objectively tell you I provide much higher quality work than her and our other coworkers value me much more than her. Despite our brief and friendly chats, I actually think he avoids me most of the time but I treat it as him leaving me alone to do my good work.
I guess you are just a competent employee with boundaries. Bosses sometimes want to milk extra benefits for free from their employees and will reward those with praise, attention, etc… but not necessarily a promotion!