I know a lot of women who try to date women complain about shit that men would complain about, but I think our actual problems are different.
So, she called me her girlfriend and said we were dating, but brought her exes over. Then broke up with me.
I'm not saying it's useless to try to date women, and I still feel like my life partner is female, but many women who say they'll date another wan may not be doing it for the same reasons.
I want lifelong partnership, she wanted dudes to think her being bisexual was hot.
I'm glad she ended things, because I probably would have let her jerk me around.
Dating women probably isn't enough - they have to also not be misogynists.
So dating men doesn't work, dating women doesn't work. Damn. The common denominator is obviously patriarchy - that's the only solution. Idk what we're supposed to do.