I’ve seen PickMe women verbally abuse women who have standards for the dates they want to be taken out on (no coffee dates, no hikes or ice cream). I have seen comments sections of pickmes screeching like banshees about how they love coffee and walks and “strolls” and how you don’t need money to make for a good date. I’ve seen these women ignore inequality and danger and violence and risk that women undertake just to go on a date … for coffee. I even saw women proudly declare they went on a coffee date with the man they’re married to and have kids with - um ok? Is that an achievement because usually in those cases the man is low quality and still doesn’t treat you well on average. I can get some women see it as a “safer” choice but it will be just as dangerous to be with a toxic man no matter what setting so vet carefully beforehand through FaceTime or something. Don’t lash out at women who are looking out for you and warning you against low effort men. The PickMe culture is so deeply ingrained! The fact that they react so angrily to women who have high standards creeps me out. These men are usually using you and dating multiple women with coffee for cheap 🤣. Honestly any man can use you but at least if you’re going to waste your time might as well be treated to a good experience.
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There's constantly a question like this asked in those Are We Dating the Same Guy groups. The comments are always a mix.