I’ve seen PickMe women verbally abuse women who have standards for the dates they want to be taken out on (no coffee dates, no hikes or ice cream). I have seen comments sections of pickmes screeching like banshees about how they love coffee and walks and “strolls” and how you don’t need money to make for a good date. I’ve seen these women ignore inequality and danger and violence and risk that women undertake just to go on a date … for coffee. I even saw women proudly declare they went on a coffee date with the man they’re married to and have kids with - um ok? Is that an achievement because usually in those cases the man is low quality and still doesn’t treat you well on average. I can get some women see it as a “safer” choice but it will be just as dangerous to be with a toxic man no matter what setting so vet carefully beforehand through FaceTime or something. Don’t lash out at women who are looking out for you and warning you against low effort men. The PickMe culture is so deeply ingrained! The fact that they react so angrily to women who have high standards creeps me out. These men are usually using you and dating multiple women with coffee for cheap 🤣. Honestly any man can use you but at least if you’re going to waste your time might as well be treated to a good experience.
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I think a part of this is not to defend their scrotes but to defend their shitty choices. If every woman only go on high effort dates, those who went on coffee dates would look like they have no standard in comparison.
Same goes for women who date bridge trolls. They screamed "you're so shallow!!" at women who only want to date men who make effort to look great. Or women who are sex pozzy screaming "prude!!!" to women who refuse violence and abuse in their sex life.
Many years ago, I had a friend who was all about going on casual coffee dates (for first dates). When I asked her why she didn't expect more from men, she said she'd go straight from the gym to her dates, no shower, makeup, or change of clothes, and basically look like crap on the date, so it didn't matter if he looked like crap or spent money.
I didn't say this out loud, but I was like, "So basically, you expect crap from yourself, crap from the men you date, crap dates in general, and you wonder why all your relationships are 50/50?"
I don't mind a drink offer If I bump into you, Because that's unplanned, but there is no way I'm leaving the house to meet up with you for that. Many men hide behind coffee dates since it so platonic they can easily say they had a drink with a coworker when the wife shows up. And you're giving them the chance to date you and multiple other women too since they don' have to spend much.
Just like the pickme's who dont want to be judged for prefering Coffee dates they should not judge others for wanting something better.
I only accept a BBQ as bare minimum at the beach If he wants to cook to save money but besides that I'm not making dating easier for men, I make it enjoyable for myself.
I am the prize he either accepts that or he can go away.
I personally don't drink coffee, but even if I did I'd never accept an invite for a coffee.
In the past I have told guys, who asked me out for coffee to come up with something better. But I soon realized that a) if I have to already ask him for more effort and b) he asks me out for coffee this will never work in the long run, because he's obviously lazy, not too interested, stingy and probably has a lot of other dates lined up.
It just never ends well.
So, back to your question..
It's desperation. These women think that any invitation is a good one. They dont seem to think as far as most of us here do.
There's constantly a question like this asked in those Are We Dating the Same Guy groups. The comments are always a mix.
so true especially your point that the pickme found her husband based off a coffee date. The current breed of husbands are awful it's nothing to really be proud of. That's one more cheap date for LVM. Then you have an entire manosphere of idiot redpilled men strategizing that vetting a good wife is based on how little they can spend vs how much sex they can get out of a pick me. I mean if they want to go on these coffee dates and eventually contribute to the divorce stat then by all means have at it,just leave me out of it when the divorced LVM husbands end up back on the dating pool again harassing me because I'm the next best thing after their pickme wife lol. And that's being generous about them being "divorced", dating pool is filled with men with happen to be separated/divorced/single all at the same time! What a wild concept.
It's because they're all dating sketchy losers off OLD. I can understand wanting to go on a short, low-effort coffee date if it's a first date with someone you've never met before and you dont have the slightest clue about his vibe, you dont even know the sound of his voice because youve just been texting in the tindr app, or whatever. I wouldnt want to get dressed up and dedicate my whole evening to a dinner date with a man who might be the biggest creep in town.
~And that's why we shouldnt waste our time with OLD ~
Pre-vet men by meeting them irl and geting to know them a little before going out with them on a high-effort date.
I'm a fully recovered pick me, but support coffee dates simply because I value my time. Its half an hour to know if there is a connection worth continuing and has little impact on my day vs time getting dolled up and then another two hours for dinner where there might be anything to meaningfully talk about.
I agree walk/hike dates are high risk and should be avoided completely.