I'm not going through anything right now, I'm just curious..
It can be the 2nd Date or in the beginning stages of exclusivity and the man expects the woman to trust him completely and be loyal to him 100%. No longer do they try to "prove" themself or pursue. They give you no reason to trust them and then gaslight "I dOnT wAnT a JeAlOus or iNseCuRE wOMan" or they will think the woman has trust issues. They want shit off the bat. It doesn't work that way and I don't know why they feel so entitled
What do you ladies think?
Predators want blind trust so that they don't have to feel obligated to feel responsible when they screw you over, " You allowed it" " You should have chose better" Is a valid excuse that allows men to reveal their true colors.
I think a large part of the reason is that we live in a patriachy where men (and boys) are nearly always given the benefit of the doubt (regardless of whether they deserve it or not) but women (and girls) have to prove themselves over and over again. If a little boy doesn't behave, people are much more likely to excuse it as "boys will be boys" whereas if a girl does the same thing, she's more likely to be reprimanded i.e. "that's not ladylike" or "that's not nice". Whenever there's a rape case, people will come up with the most ridiculous reasons not to believe the woman i.e. in my country there was a rape case where internet trolls dug up a picture of the woman in a bikini and claimed this picture was evidence that she was lying. (I'm guessing that they're implying that she was a whore. IDK). Most men have experienced this preferential treatment their entire lives and they've become so used to it that they automatically expect people to give them the benefit of the doubt or to just believe them even when they're clearly lying. Women don't have the same entitlement because we are used to being questioned and not being believed, even when we're telling the truth.
It's a characteristic of LVM and the patriarchy. Expecting women's loyalty/monogamy when one hasn't earned it is how LVM keep women enslaved.
This post I wrote yesterday touches on the topic in your post. I think women should always hold back from giving 100% loyalty, even in committed monogamous relationships.
Women give by default, and a woman's 50% effort is a man's 100% effort. This is why 50/50 bill splitting is a sham. Within most committed relationships, a man cannot hope to match a woman in terms of effort. By default, he gives some, and she gives everything.
Men feel entitled to it because naive pickmes frequently give it to them.
Why would scotes put effort to prove themselves to an individual woman when there are multiple pickmes out there that are willing to give them everything and receive nothing?
Scrotes rarely think emotionally or empathetically. They think logically and strategically. "What methods can I use to get the most out of women and put in minimal effort? Manipulation? Widening my net? Spinning plates? Knowing how to spot a pushover? Going after women with low self esteem?"
If a woman has clear standards and boundaries for herself and knows what she wants.. and can't be manipulated; the parasitic manipulative scrotes will flee away on the search for a more naive people pleasing woman to abuse.
If a man expects your immediate trust and criticizes you for being skeptical 9 times out of 10 hes a sexual predator (or completely socially inept and entitled at best) You shouldn't want those men anyway.
That's why we should maintain our fds principals and block/delete. If lvm are running in the other direction it just means the strategies are working.
Its better to be available to a potential hvm that you'll meet in the future instead of being stuck with a parasitic scoute. Being single just leaves you open to opportunities. Don't be impatient or try to rush.
Whenever a guy asks me for my trust. It’s a red flag.
Trust and respect are two things that are earned through action and not words for me. I will give them my trust and respect once they’ve exemplified these qualities through their actions.
This is how I feel around single dads.
One asked me out the other night, and I laughed in his dumb face.
Like, why are you expecting ME to trust you when you clearly failed someone you had kids with?
Some women also think we should blindly trust men. I met a women on a trip (with a total scrote boyfriend), who said I should get therapy to learn to trust. I told her my therapist told me that trust is EARNED and that no one is given blind trust.
I feel sorry for her. She's really sweet and has very low self esteem. Her bf is a dick and treats her like garbage. She's unfailingly kind to him. It's heartbreaking.