My personal example is loving anime. It's very rare women are extreme with their anime loving. When they are, they're usually teenagers that may have been socially stunted. But for the most part, they're harmless and their hobby doesn't leak into their everyday interactions.
For men, I haven't met a SINGLE male anime lover that isn't a degenerate or at least severely lacking social skills that caused them to do something harmful or irritating to other people. These are the ones that think it's okay to randomly send me anime porn or they talk like their fav anime characters. I always tried to be less judgemental about people's interests because I used to love anime as a teenager myself.
I can't do that though. With scrotes, I have to be judgemental and I judge them for more things than I would judge women for.
What about you?
Sleeping around. Women who had plenty of sex partenrs have pickme tendencies and low self worth issues at worst, while males who have plenty of sexual partners have a high potentiol of being sexual predators. Since it's hard for men to get sex, the fact that a man gets around a lot means that he at one point resorted to manipulation or coersion to get it. At best they have no decipline and have a novelty seeking addiction, thus are NOT boyfriend/husband material. You can't turn a hoe into a husband.
Bisexuality in men. I don't play with that ... He either likes men or he likes women. There's no in between.
Calling his exes crazy. When women do it, 90% of the time it's true. When men do it, it's lying and projection.
Being a feminist. Feminist women are harmless (except those that are liberal and claim that men dressing as women are indeed women). However feminist men are 99% of the time just pretending to care about women's rights in order to have sex, they're like predators disguising themselves as prey as a hunting method. They're usually the very loud and active ones that make being a feminist 50% of their personality, in other words they're extra.
For me it's secrecy. In the early stages of dating, women can't be too forthcoming for their own safety. For example, a woman might not be too specific about where she lives or her place of work. However if a man does this, I'd consider it a red flag because men don't have to mind their safety the way that women do. If a man isn't forthcoming, it's usually a sign that he might do something nefarious like pump and dump you or assault you and that's why he doesn't want you to have his personal info. It's a massive red flag IMO.
Having a female "bestie" that they talk to every damn day. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE
I side-eye any man who has a traditionally female hobby, especially if he blogs about it, posts videos about it, etc. For example -- fiber arts (knitting etc.). I know there are a lot of really great male fiber artists, but even while I admire their work, I sort of resent them for cashing in on a traditionally female-led, female-maintained artistic/artisanal thing that we women continued practicing and passing down for generations before the men discovered they could get attention for it.
Divorce. I would side-eye a divorced man hard. I'm of the opinion that the vast majority of women who initiate a divorce only do so because they've been forced into a place of utmost misery. While most men only initiate a divorce because they're 'bored'. Whether the man initiated the divorce or not, it's most usually their fault that the marriage broke down.
Having a passion for yoga. It’s such a female-dominated activity, and a man in a yoga class is always the creep ruining the safe sisterhood atmosphere. If they make it a core part of their life and personality, it means they enjoy the “harem” feeling of being a man surrounded by women, invading their space, and eyeing their bodies.
Talking about sex and their relationships. It's important for women to do this because so often a quiet woman on these topics is tolerating and believing utter bs. When a man talks about these topics, I don't understand what led him to believe I give a shit and I wonder why he is forcing this intimacy on me. I mean sure, men should learn and that goes part and parcel with hearing the viewpoints of women but random acquaintances talking to me about this is a HUGE red flag.
I agree with OP about the anime and I would also extend that out to include any "nerdy" interest. Any woman I ever met with nerdy interests like anime or science fiction, they were still well-rounded individuals who treated other people with respect and decency. Any male nerd I ever met though, was always a socially inept loser with a chip on his shoulder (probably because girls didn't fancy him in high school). I avoid male nerds or any man who expresses a love of science fiction (particularly Doctor Who, Star Trek or Star Wars - IDK why but those franchises seem to attract the worst kind of nerds) like the plague.
the desire to have kids. having kids is different from being a father. if he is too passionate about having kids, it means he just wants to proliferate his disgusting scrote DNA and leave their spawn as a burden to women. needless to say the same does not apply to women.
Under or unemployment. Women are often doing caregiving, have health needs, or have other barriers to work men don't face, like cultural stigmas and sexist discrimination at work. Able bodied men, however... what's he doing with his time? If he doesn't have professional employment, is he an entrepreneur, business owner, contractor, contributor to some significant project? Even if he is wealthy, I don't like men who live off passive income sources without any meaningful projects, goals, and challenges.
I would say a man that talks to his mother every day- unless she’s ill or elderly , of course.
If many/most of his male friends are gay/bi/queer. I don't mean the one childhood friend in a group who turned out to be gay, that just happens. But a man who has lots of gay or bi friends (you know... more than would be statistically likely or could be attributed to chance) while claiming to be straight is very likely not as straight as he claims to be and has probably at least experimented with one or two of them. Especially if he has a separate straight friendgroup and the two groups never meet.
If most male friends a woman has are gay the reason is obvious.
Most social media use. Similar to a comment someone above made, at worst with a woman it makes her insecure and messes up her psychology (repeatedly looking at altered images of women and objectifying women isn’t good for us either).
But for a man, many apps make me see them as a porn addict, misogynist, and a pedophile. Thin includes but is not limited to Snapchat, Instagram, tiktok, kik, etc.. even Facebook sometimes (I had a man look up local teenagers pictures to get off to- he was almost 40 and clearly a pedophile 🤮)
Gaming much for the same reasons as anime. I also think it's much less likely that you'd see a woman neclecting her kids and family in favor of gaming, like you see with some dads.
It's a small thing but if a man can't prepare anything nicer than a salt flavored mushy stir fry, but has an impressive amount of cookware, and baking pans, it's a red flag.
Boudoir photographer. I saw a woman asking on "are we dating the same guy" if a guy being a boudoir photographer was a red flag. Sooo many women commenting no that is just his job like any other job. Smh
Being a yoga instructor