Romantic relationships are already complicated enough. Having another person being involved in setting you up can make things more complicated as you now need to deal with two people. If things go sour, the person setted up with you can badmouth you and expose all your secrets to the person who set the two of you up. I also don't know if a HVM will ever need to be set up to find a partner as they are probably in high demand and can easily find an SO themselves.
On the other hand, if the person setting the two of you up is HV, then that person would have already screened the other person for you. It's hence less risky than meeting strangers online. It's better than speed dating as the person setting the two of you up probably did so as both of you have something in common.
I don't know any hv women who set their friends up on dates. I don't have male friends and the male acquaintances I have through work or other social situations will not be getting an endorsement from me to date any of my friends. I am not in the matchmaking business and exercise caution with those who are. How can you be sure you are actually helping your friend?
My best relationship started this way. Friend set me up with a guy who is stable, owns a home, has a great job, exercises every morning and eats well. I can see why she thought he was a HVM- he had me fooled for a while. But he was douchey, loved to triangulate, and constantly tried to put me down.
So, best I've had so far- only because the others were even worse.
I don't like it, just based on experience.
Back in high school a friend who knew I was terrified of guys tried to help me out by telling me which guys thought I was pretty, and those guys ended up ripping me apart.
Even the best intentions can't override our instincts, and when we feel safer in female groups, we underestimate male depravity.
He ended up pumping and dumping someone else as soon as we stopped talking because he figured out I wouldn't "put out." Ew, ew, ewwww.....
He wanted to do that to me. :I
I think being set up can work BUT the person setting you up has to be high value and they should know you fairly well so that they have a sense of what you're looking for in a partner. Unfortunately I've only ever been set up by pick mes, who of course always set me up with a LVM. Not only was the man low value but when I dumped/rejected this man, the pick me always took it really personally.
I don't think FDS has any policy against being set up.
However, in my 30-plus years, I have never had a successful setup and don't think a setup would work for me. I wouldn't trust anyone to vet for me except myself.
I've been told by my father that I'm single because I refused to be introduced by people who his relatives knew. The thing is, I'm not compatible with their religion/culture but he adamantly remains in denial about this. He tells me "You can always refuse the guy" or "At least the parents know the families." No, women can't always reject a man safely.
I can't find any man attractive anyway, so it's likely that the very first time I'd look into the guy's face, he'd know I'm disgusted by him. How awkward that would be.