Sounds like these girls need a little bit of FDS help..
Kanika is awesome, she's on Tiktok, such a savage. I've watched a couple of her videos. They're saying she's the female Andrew Tate xD This website has communities filled with young ladies that have been abused by narcissistic scrotes.. these girls seem so delicate, is this what we were like in our youth? I feel like it's our duty to help them grow, and see the realities of the scrotatious species..
Nah. I’m not going to subscribe to any mindset that suggests I pay emotionally the low-low cost of a scrote living rent free in my head while I plan ReVeNgE. That’s self obsessed BS. You want revenge? Live your best life, love yourself and forget he ever existed.
Kanika is prime self-delusional "omg I'm so good at manipulating yooooou!". Her techniques are the most basic bitch starter kit of any narcissist. She's the pick me you avoid when she starts talking shit about other women. Don't model yourself after her, JFC.
This screams: "For the starting low price of $15, you can be a badass dark feminine bee-yotch!" No thanks 🤣
To each their own, but I cannot stand Kanika. Her videos keep coming up on my feed, and every once in a while I watch one, which just makes more pop up. I don't think she has anything worthwhile to say. I don't even think she's a sociopath (more likely histrionic). And I have no intention of getting revenge on anyone. I already know how cluster B personalities think and act. I prefer to stay the eff away from all of them. That's impossible at work, so I create distance and cover my butt through proper documentation.