Sorry, I know the forum is asking to limit any manosphere RP BS on here. I just thought this made a good point how men really feel about us. Men who hate women actively seek us out to use us, and project onto all the women they've dated that the 'woman used me'but it was them using her the whole time. Women who hate or dislike men just want them to leave us alone in peace. Also note the talking about photos and filming another reason not to have a hookup or give ang guy sex who's not your husband. I hope this scrote gets bombed by a drone.
Yeah don't read this shit. A diary of a sociopath is just poisoning your mind.
If you go on those sites, you'll just get really depressed.
But yeah, if they DIDNT feel this way, they wouldn't have restricted us throughout modern history.
Redpill isn't fringe - it's just a backsliding of women's rights because we gave them enough trust to fuck us over.
This is what they are. Priscella P makes a good point; men are stuck on scarcity mode. They aren't nurterers or life givers. Masculinity is parasitical, and they project that onto us.
He's lying about the girls using him for favors. I've had to deal with two male 'friends' who also swore I 'took advantage', of them for favors because they didn't get sex in return, but here's the thing - I was doing just as many favors for them in return as they did for me - just not sexual favors. They were getting paid back, but I wasn't paying them back with my body. So in their mind, I used them and took advantage of them. This is how men think.
Just a twisted, long-winded example of why having sex early on in dating is to be avoided. Men like getting in women’s pants and then leaving them. Avoid men who will sleep with you quickly, because they usually don’t care about you as a person, they just want to f*** you and dump you.
Yeh gurl stay away from this shit. Cunts like these dont needa occupy ur mind