I have been reading the Gift of Fear and one story stands out to me. One of the women Gavin talks to says she'd never expect her husband to be violent... but then mentions his ex wife DIED to beatings by him. Like wtf,is she brain damaged? I had no idea my ex had had prior DV charges. I would have RUN before the first date had I known. But literal murder?
I get being naive but this is so insane. What's next, hire Epstein as a sitter because " people change"???
If you want to see stupidity of the highest form join one of those “Are we dating the same guy” Facebook groups. A man will be a walking red flag, even have a damn mug shot as his profile picture and they’ll say “yOu sHouLNdt jUdGe a BoOk bY itS cOveR”.
More recently I’ve seen arguments about race and culture, and pickmes have been dumb enough to claim that culture has zero influence in how a man treats you. The comments got so heated the post had to be taken down. Some people really can’t be saved.
Women like this can’t be helped unfortunately, the level of self hatred a Woman must posses to be ok with this, it’s sad.
Abused women do actually suffer from neurological damage and rewiring of their brains and how their synapses fire. Parts of their brains also shrink and others swell. Not to mention the strength of trauma bonds. It all is a really sick web.
Editing to add: It is similar to Pavlov's dogs not leaving an open cage after they have been stressed or traumatized enough. Because of these reasons and so many more in relation to abuse, I think all abused women deserve grace. The issue is the MEN who cause these things, not the women who are their targets/victims.
This post calling victims of abuse pick mes is weird to me. The women are mentally ill, do you call people with learning disability pick mes when they behave promiscuously? Picking up a serious book like that and judging the women is not HV.
Here is Grimes defending Elon Musk, the father of her children
And yet, this is Grimes just two years ago begging to be allowed to see her son from the same man:
There is no rational explanation for this.