After gaining the new hosts on the pod, I initially knew I would be resistant to the change, as I loved our OG ladies and the content they produced. I wanted to give the new additions a chance to really settle into their roles before publishing any feedback on them, and I've come to the following list:
(FYI I do sub to the patreon as well, this is more of a general review on their hosting style and general direction for the pod, as I perceive it)
They give out WAY too much personal information/details about themselves and their lives-to the point I'm seriously concerned about how simple it might be for someone malicious to track them down. I can barely pay attention to them half the time because I'm in shock about the extremely specific details they are just handing out.
They don't appear to have that much experience working with men and dating men outside of their families. Compared to our OG hosts, I feel like the new hosts keep recycling the same 5-6 stories and ideas, and on top of that, they don't even seem to be active in the dating pool in any serious capacity. I'm not sure how they expect to connect with FDS if they're not actually trying to date.
To add to the last point, their advice seems very out of date. They have a lot of mottos/slogans that have been floating around on the internet for 5+ years, if not a full decade. To be honest, if I met these women IRL and had these same conversations, I wouldn't take advice from them.
They're incredibly stiff, and seem to spend a quarter of each pod just complimenting each other, or it's basically their own personal therapy session. I wouldn't mind as much if it was informative or there was a lesson to learn, but it leads back to point #2. I find myself struggling to listen to the pod without getting bored. I'm hoping some of this will change with more experience, maybe they're still too new.
They are clearly very well spoken, in an academic sense. They seem to be very stable and confident in their personal lives, and are obviously very invested in the pod, and invested in giving back to the FDS community.
There is a clear, concise format to the pod. Personally, I prefer the more informal conversations from the OG hosts, because it felt like talking to friends. But it might be a good idea to keep it more structured now that they're working on growing and expanding the brand-keeps it more professional (for better or worse).
They do have very clear analysis of some of the cultural topics they have brought onto the pod. Now, this conflicts a bit with issue #3 in the con list, but I can appreciate that they're sticking to handbook-esque FDS values.
Now that being said, my overall conclusion is:
I don't like the new hosts, for the FDS podcast. HOWEVER!
I think they would be much better suited for re-starting the FDS Political Strategy podcast.
They seem to focus their pod topics on very broad cultural/political ideas, which I would love to see them discuss in their academic way-on the political pod. The FDS pod was supposed to focus on dating strategy, and I feel like they haven't really been scoring any points in that department, or even attempting to in any serious manner.
Anybody else have similar feelings? Or do you like the way the new hosts have changed the pod? xx
Yikes. just saw that they had Meghan Murphy on. Although she does some good work, she is a Trump supporter and has this weird hatred for Taylor Swift. She wrote a whole article about how "boring" Taylor is and even dehumanized her by referring to her as a "thing". I think it's part of her grift to get more right wingers subscribing to her. Here is an article from her blog where she says that voting for Trump is the "the best way forward."
And here is her article hating on Swift for...existing?