Honestly, what do they even mean with it? To me it is a clear power dynamic where one person is superior and the other is inferior and needs to do as told. Not sure why tradwives enjoy flaunting that their scrote sees them as less than?
I outperform most men intellectually so what ground is there even to let them lead? I know better in about 90% of cases...
Submit in a way that he is your owner. Submission comes from slavery. It’s not cooperation, it’s not team work. It’s not the same as abide the traffic rules or work for a boss. Both of these scenarios you abide the rules to get something in return. With traffic it’s safety and order and with a boss it’s a salary.
Submission to a male is you’re a forever child and he is your authority figure you get to sleep with. If submission is not slavery or ownership of another human then why won’t men submit to women too?
Because these dumb pigs only understand what ownership is when it’s done to them.
im really really starting to be convinced that womens absence in general from scrotes lives and the scrotes aging boy-moms unable to keep up-
all these men are hangry that a willing bangmaid isnt cooking up their chicken tendies and we know most men can't be assed to eat more than chickie tendies. Meanwhile us women staying single, we more or less can now finance ourselves and still remain capable of self-caring with our innate ability to empathize with our own selves. Not to be exploited by the lazy, miserable scrote.
Every single day I'm not attached or married to a lousy husband is a night im not cooking or popping a kid out for some shitbag LVM. It's one more night a piece of crap LVM has no cooked dinner or someone to argue with.
They mean you should run the opposite direction as soon as you hear that word from them. No man has ever loved a submissive woman. He loves controlling her.