I've heard FDS members say how going to matchmakers is only worth it if they don't charge female members any money. However, such services do not seem to exist in my area. I've done some research and it seems like all matchmakers in my area charge female and male members the same fee and they are all quite expensive.
Meanwhile, there are speed dating companies in my area. They organise speed dating-like events for singles to mingle together (e.g. dinner nights). While they do cost money, some charge female members less than male members (i.e. the price for female members is 70-90% the price for male members). These events generally cost less than one-on-one matchmaking services and I can meet multiple men simultaneously. Is going to such events worth it or are they actually just as "scammy" as matchmakers?
They charge men and women the same? He’ll nah 😤 I already see that as anti-woman. I’ve tried speed dating events before and all of the men were losers that you would never speak to in the bar given the chance. You’re literally better off taking one of your girlfriends and standing in a bar and waiting for better looking men to approach you.
I think it depends upon where you are. For instance, I lived in DC for 9 years. There’s such a huge difference in the amount of single women vs. men that these types of events are useless. There are so many single women that they have to close the event to women registering, because there were so many of us. I think they let the guys in free even, because single women so outnumbered the men in that city. So it depends—are the men in your town spoilt rotten like the ones in DC and NYC? If so, it’s a hard road.