I think it's important to put men in situations where we see how they handle themselves and how they treat you instead of waiting for things or events to happen.
Please share all of your experience where you saw how a man behaved in a certain situation that made you see his true colour. What situations should we put men in to see how they react and treat?
Some ideas-
Vacation behaviour
Treatment of service staff
Road rage while driving
Drinking behaviour
Patience with children
Any other ideas?
I never put men in “artificial” scenarios to test them. Artificial settings tend to yield artificial results.
One thing I like to do is observe a man when he’s drunk in the natural course of a night out. In the U.S., it’s a very easy thing to do, as most American men drink, and alcohol is everywhere.
You’d be amazed at how quickly men reveal their real thoughts/mindsets while intoxicated. Some turn moody, violent, insulting, belligerent, sour, sulky, whiny. Others start making rapey comments, really piling on the redpill shit, remarking on random women’s bodies, claiming Michelle Obama is a man, etc. Some don’t know their limits and will embarrass you by throwing up all over the street and passing out (yes, I’ve seen this on first dates).
I’ve also seen good behavior from men who were intoxicated/hungover. If a man doesn’t feel so great physically but is still doing his best to treat you well and watch out for your well-being, I consider it a plus.
Encourage them to drink to the point of revealing their real selves. Don’t get drunk yourself, of course.
For better or worse, alcohol cuts through the fakeness real quick.