So I've been doing it tough for a year or so, and so has my boyfriend more recently. Health issues impacting work, life not giving two shits and being expensive anyway.
I'm coming into a small amount of money, but it'll be a huge help. Now I want to share it with him, but also don't. It's not a two way street and hasn't been for a long time. I've been giving my all to the household, where he has loans from before we met paying for things we don't even have, he's paying off a car for his baby momma, pays CS, she has her hand out for more constantly and I know if I cover things as I have been, his spare cash will go to his kids. I get it, kids yeah... but I don't need to be paying for him and his kids, I got my own.
Even writing this has helped tbh.
Leave. You know you want to. That money is for you and your kids.
What on earth does he bring to this relationship aside from child support payments and emotional labour?
Why are you dating a man who isn't financially stable? This man doesn't sound worth the hassle.
He doesn't have to be making a ton of money but he needs to have his life together and be stable for him to be worth your time.
You are already aware of what seems to be the situation and what needs to be done :)
Wish you all the best Queen. You got this 👍
Never, ever give a man your money unless he is your husband, and even then, unless it's an emergency of some sort and he has already given you his money/proven himself to be a good partner and financial provider for you and the family overall.
Also, dump him.
Don't do it sis!
Remember - we live in a world where THOUSANDS of years of oppression have barred women from earning money. We have no real role models for success like men do, we are not socially trained to make money like men are, we do not have much in common with the MEN at the top of corporate ladders who decide who earns how much. The idea that you would give him ANYTHING is nuts. He should be literally supporting you and if he isn’t he‘s *not at your level*
how much further ahead than him would you be right now if you’d been born a man?