What timeline do you guys recommend for levels of physical contact when dating someone new? I know 3 months is popular for penetrative sex with FDS, but what about things like kissing, hand/mouth stuff, even holding hands, etc?
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I think you’ve misunderstood. Sex is a minimum three months AFTER established exclusivity. Any form of sexual activity is included in this, not just penetrative. It's not three months from the moment you start dating a scrote.
This is to help weed out the NVM narcs and LVM players and users. Most men will get impatient if you don't put out instantly. Chances are, if a guy is willing to wait, he is probably actually interested in you.
We've started fooling around, clothed or in our underwear, about 4-5 months in (established commitment), the first time he performed oral sex on me was after maybe 8 or 9 months. This is my personal timeline though, adjusted for my comfort level. Don't do anything until you're 100% ready and fully trust him.
Whenever you think you’re ready. Most guys know about the three month rule. The smarter ones can wait that long, so you gotta go by your own rules to vet the guy.