This reinforces my belief that fathers are the most selfish of the two parents. If their kids aren't "their own" then they abandon them so quickly. Or if the kids show any level of "unappreciation" for him doing what he's supposed to be fucking doing as a father, then he acts like the victim and feels entitled to his children's emotional labor. I've noticed this in my own father as well as seen other stories similar to this

Like so many AITA posts this sounds like a made-up ragebait story.
For many men, all people, and especially his children, are just extensions of his own ego. Kids are literally an extension of, and physical affirmation of, his penis. He sees his own reflection in everyone and that's the only way he knows how to interpret the world. I think it's a very small and rotten way to experience life. #projection #lacksboundariesdelineatingselfvsothers #keynarcissismtrait
This situation is so ratchet I don’t think FDS lessons can be taken from it lol
I saw a post where a woman had to remove her lingerie that was placed where the guests could see it because the man's daughter pranked her by putting her lingerie there. She yelled at her step daughter and walked away in tears feeling dehumanised and embarassed because all eyes were on her. The fathe rhad the audacity to complain and said she ruined his birthday and she needs to apologize to his daughter for making a scene.
Maybe Men might feel she overreacted but imagine if you are embarassed like that and all the guests are staring at you?
This is the reason why I'm not even bothered to vet or tell my personal boundaries because it's a waste of effort and increases my stress levels when pickme's or anyone else is trying to challenge my standards.
I will not do so single thing for a man in a relationship. I almost became betty the builder 3 times in life before the trash took itself out. But imagine if they didn't?
Single daddy? Okay but leave the kids and your ex wife out of my life and relationship, I don't want your kids over and I don't want to get to know them. I'm not their bonus mommy If your ex partner is a lousy parent then you should have chose better.
Debts? pay them yourself.
Cancer? retire early and use the money to pay for the best care because sickness and health only goes for the wife, you on the other hand will not value that vow.
Can't cook? find yourself a cooking class, binge watch on youtube and practive or move on.
Homeless? Go find yourself a homeless shelter or sleep in your car I'm not going to shelter you.
Want to go to college but you need emotional support? go and see a shrink.
Why must I carry those tasks if im going to be replaced anyway?