Hey ladies, I have a question for you guys. So, it's obvious men who follow thirstrap and insta pornstars are deranged perverts. But what about men has high following of women who are above average and regular women. I don't know what it is but something about the whole things makes me uncomfortable. Like, why would a man have so little following of other male and so high of women? Am I overthinking this?
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My ex did this. Thirsty mommy’s boy / F-boy narcissist. Had no male friends and said women were just easier to befriend. But since he couldn’t handle being alone, if I was ever busy he’d hang out with a “friend” that was always female, and always different women each time. They babied him and were openly proud of it. He clearly loved the attention.
Another guy I knew who did this on insta was pathetic with women. Followed hundreds but none following him back. Seemed desperate and parasocial.
No you're not overthinking. He wouldn't wanna offend you so he'd stop following them and drop any female friendships to be with . He's using them deliberately to triangulate and abuse you.
You're not overthinking it. If the guy had never met these women before, then why is he only following random women but not men? If the guy is straight, it implies there's some sexual attraction going on. If the guy knows these women, then why does he have so many female friends? He probably enjoys attention from women or maybe even have multiple girlfriends at the same time.
The only way this might be okay for me would be if the woman is a close relative (e.g. his mom or his sister (as long as they don't post thirst traps - then it's just creepy)) or if he follows content created by a woman, as long as that content is not sexualized/intimate in any way, they don't have direct contact (an innocent comment on a post is fine, but no dms and nothing flirty) and she doesn't actually post pictures where she as a person is the focus. An example would be following a hobby cook who only posts pictures of great food or someone crafty who is posting DIYs, instructions or pictures of things she created.
Following the selfies of a random woman who is not a relative or his girlfriend/spouse online is jsut creepy stalker behaviour in my opinion.
These men would immediately build up a harem of female "friends" around them if they got the chance, and following tons of women on social media is the best way to simulate that. Look at what a man does when he has access to women. Does he abuse that access? Dudes who follow tons of women definitely do. They love the idea of having a "variety" of women at their disposal. You're not overthinking it, it's right to be concerned.