Hi ladies
I went on a first date with a guy who seemed decent. He asked me at the end if he could see me again and I said I was open to it
Then the day after he texts me that he wants to establish "better communication"
When I asked what he meant he told me he wanted to see each other twice a week (!!) and text daily (even though I told him during the date that I dont like texting)
I feel that making demands like this is a bit controlling?
If he wants more communication than you do, he needs to go find a woman who is on the same page, rather than tell you to change. Why is he trying to establish a routine with you after one date, when you’re not even in a relationship?! Gross, he seems weird.
And if you’ve come to the internet to ask a question about his behaviour at this early point, you know what the answer is: whether it’s controlling behaviour or not, he’s not the man for you.
You don't know this guy from a potted plant. After one date, he's completely out of line with this request. Run.
I would say yes. They know that most of us talk to and date multiple people in the beginning stages and it sounds like he’s trying to monopolize your attention so that you don’t have time to talk to other men. Also you already told him you don’t like texting, but he’s decided his needs are more important than yours.
If you have to ask, then it’s a yes. Trust yourself.
Do you like being talked to that way? Do you like a man moving to fast with acting like you owe him the gf treatment? Do you know already that the correct move is to ghost, block, and delete?
Personally I think that meeting twice a week and texting daily seems excessive. I mean how are you supposed to get anything else done or have any kind of life outside of this guy if you're texting him all the time?! Having said that though, that's just my opinion. Your opinion is the one that matters OP. What do you think?
NEXT wtf! He's trying to trick you into thinking you're a couple so you'll sleep with him. That level of contact is inappropriate at this stage. It would only be ok with someone you've been seeing a long time. He sounds like a creep who either doesn't know how to date girls, or does, and has weaponized that in order to create false intimacy and use and dicard you.
Follow your instinct. It sounds like your instinct tells you he's controlling.
This issue sounds like the tip of the iceberg. If I were you, I'd move on.
Coming on way too hard there. He wants to lock you down so you don't have any other options.
Communicate LESS with him, and be sure to date other men.
I think you have your answer. I would go with my intuition on this if I were in your situation. 😅
He's claiming his territory from day one. Men are territorial by nature. They also exhibit mate guarding tactics. They plant their flag on a woman, no different than when we planted the American flag on the moon, claiming it as "ours" as if the moon belonged to anyone. Women don't belong to anyone either, but males don't fucking get that we are autonomous human beings with our own separate thoughts, feelings, goals and desires.
That Sounds a bit much for somebody you met once and is still a stranger.
Weird vibes definetly
Ewwww run