A month ago, I posted about ending my friendship with my friends that I knew over decade because I felt like they were treating me as their nanny for the past 6 months.
A month has passed. I have gone no contact and I’m mourning the loss of our friendship. Guess what? She sends an emotionally charged video of a child getting assaulted. For a week, I wondered why she would do this. After going no contact for month, the first thing she sends me is this video, like why?
Someone told me that it’s a form of emotional manipulation to get me reconnect with her but on her terms. I’m still wrapping my head around this, but what does FDS think?
It could be possible as abusers do this, but I don’t see her as one.
That "someone" is right. She's trying to emotionally manipulate you. I recommend you not thinking about why she did things, in 'Men Who Hates Women and Women who Loves Them', Susan Forward said that the first thing an abuser do is make themselves seems mysterious to make the victim focus on the 'why' and not on the action currently being done. Wondering about a deeper meaning of an abuser is detrimental to you and makes you vulnerable to trauma bond.
From everything I remember you saying about this situation, she is emotionally abusive and what an absolutely disgusting and rephrensible video to send you. This girl is a sicko. You need to block her. No contact always includes hard blocking to avoid exactly what you are experiencing now... The questioning and the wondering and the spiraling.
Block this crazy b.
That's absolutely sick and I felt nauseated just reading your post. BLOCK HER RIGHT NOW AND DON'T LOOK BACK. She shouldn't have ANY access to you!!! I don't want to scare you but she sounds unhinged and possibly dangerous. CUT ALL TIES. Don't answer, don't react, just block her everywhere.
This is weird. To me, it honestly seems beyond emotional manipulation and straight to emotional terrorism. Your friend didn't get what she wanted so she'll try to make you suffer as she can.
Now at least you have an official reason to block her. Because this is insane behavior.