Hi everyone,
I left my ex who was addicted to porn and it took a tole on how I see myself. Is it possible to find to genuine guy that isn't obsessed with porn or should I get used to being single forever? Being single isn't a bad thing but it would be nice to find someone on my
I didn't believe it was possible until recently. My current bf brought it up before I ever even mentioned my feelings about it and when he had no reason to believe I was anything other than a sex-posi libfem. He talked about how gross, abusive and disturbing porn is and wanted to warn me before we slept together that he wasn't into "kinky, porny" stuff, in case I was. And he isn't. It is such a relief to have pleasurable, fun sex with someone who hasn't learned his moves from porn! I call him my 90s boyfriend because it is like he was created in an era before the internet even though he was born in 1990. He isn't religious and his revulsion to porn evolved naturally. His kink is no kink. But, honestly, finding him was pure luck. Every man I've dated for the last 15 years is permanently fucked up from porn.
Yes, it is. My current boyfriend said he watched it once or twice when he was much younger and lonely, but was disgusted with it and himself and never did it again. And I believe him because he has absolutely no symptoms of pornsickness, has never even hinted at wanting me to act like a porn victim or asked for porn-style sexual acts from me, and has similar morals.
Do not settle for pornsick men (and if he watches porn, he is pornsick--there is no escape from the damaging effects of it except total abstinence). I made it clear to him from the beginning that I won't tolerate it and was thrilled by his very positive (and relieved, I think) response.
Yup! Obviously my experience is anecdotal, but I've noticed usually they're busy actually living their lives and spending their downtime with friends and family. It's not that they're too busy to get addicted to it, it's mostly that they've encountered it before, felt disgusted and appropriately pathetic, and then figured out there're better things to do than be a loser. They're out and about--just live your life, too.
It is! I met my fiancé at a time when I was unfortunately still in the grips of a libfem pro-porn/kink mindset. I asked about his porn habits and he said he had never liked it and it made him uncomfortable. This shocked me at the time, but I have since come to see how fortunate I was to find him. All of our intimacy is loving and he is always focused on my pleasure.
I'm sorry I can't give you advice on how to find a man like him as I stumbled upon it by luck; what I can tell you is he, in general, does not spend time on the internet and has no social media presence. He is an outdoorsy, hands-on guy, who doesn't like video games and such. Maybe looking for those kinds of attributes will help you? I assume his disinterest in the internet as a young man must have helped keep him from stumbling across all of the messed-up stuff out there and warping his brain.
I honestly think is almost impossible to find one that has not been watching porn in at least some period of his life. So close to all men are influenced by porn. Well, our society is.
But, that being said, there are some men who watched in the past but now are against porn, or who are not too interested, or that they don't consume it while in a relationship (although I believe that unless they have a good reason for it, they will still do it occasionaly).
Some men says they don't consume, when they really mean "I don't consume as normal men do", or maybe they just watch very soft staff that they do not consider porn like just naked models with no intercourse or other type of sex.
So it's very difficult to vet.
Personal experiences with this:
In my first relationship I caught my bf watching porn. He told me he just did because I wasn't at home (I found it in his search history) so we couldn't fuck. I told him I didn't like that and he promise to don't do it again. I caught him again a few months later, while I was at home. He said then he was just nervous. This was 12 years ago and I believe nowadays it's more normalised. If he did it again even though I was at home, and we had sex every day more than once (he forced me to do so), it's because he had an addiction. That's what porn does.
My second bf said he didn't like porn because he felt it was fake, but he also compare my body with a famous porn actress at that moment. Anyways, she was already mainstream so even I knew her. I never caught him if he did and in bed he was very normal, no perverted, so I am inclined to believe him, but who knows. Guess what... He grow up without Internet...
My 3rs bf was completely ruined for porn even though he was the youngest. He had grown up with private computer and smart phone since teeneayer. At first we had vanilla sex and he was completely surprised because he confessed that he only could have sex if it was kink, rough sex. At that period of my life, I didn't know about the dangers of it, I have heard more about sex positive, non kink shaming and that, so... Well, it didn't end well. But that opened my eyes.
My actual bf is against porn by religious reasons, he thinks is adultery, and also that the industry is perverse, harmful for the world, for all the people who are involved, but he has consumed in the past when he was not believer, he said that he never was into rough, weird stuff and that he regrets, but well... Today's mainstream is pretty kink already, and I'm not completely sure if an addiction like this could be completely controlled, so I don't know.
I expressed my distaste for it and my HVM confirmed it. I said I could not be with someone who watched it EVER. He agreed. He just masturbates to me apparently. Lol