It physically pains me that women are willingly dating, sleeping with, and having children with these men. I can only follow FDS for myself, I can't force other women to do the same. But fuck it I wish I could. It hurts me that so many men have the attention and care and labor of a woman that they absofuckinglutely don't deserve. Not to mention the number of women having kids with men who just shouldn't reproduce.
I don't care if it's classist, if you can't pay, you don't get to reproduce. We have enough humans in the world already.
Nothing smart to add other than: same.
So many brilliant women martyring themselves for deadwood.
Sometimes it's not even reddit women but women i know IRL. It's heartbreaking to see a woman who supposed to flourish but was stopped by good for nothing man. Men are the true ball and chain
Broke and broken men.
I had an exchange with a woman on a FB group where she said she was married for 20-some years and that a milestone birthday of hers was later in the week and she was looking for things to do solo because her husband has never once celebrated her birthday. I wrote to her: Sit him down and say, my 60th birthday is on Friday and I expect you to plan something nice for me that day. She said even if she told him that he would just say no and not plan anything. Like what? C'mon now! What are you doing here? You're cOMmUNiCaTinG just like they always tell us to do and he's straight up refusing? Get yourself some divorce papers for your birthday.
I really have to limit my time on Reddit from how many heartbreaking stories there are. And I’m not trying to victim blame, it takes victims of abuse an average of what, 7 times to leave their abuser? It’s easier said than done. But at the same time, you need to take responsibility for your own life because no one is coming to rescue you. If he didn’t help with the first kid, why did you think he’d magically change after the second? After that I start to feel less and less sympathy. And even if the guys aren’t abusive, they’re so willfully incompetent and childish that I can’t even imagine a life like that. It physically hurts me to imagine living like that. I can’t be around women IRL with scrote boyfriends either. It breaks my heart and I lose respect for them.