I have a friend since childhood and I know her husband pretty well. She confided in me about how her husband starting playing games with another girl a lot. He started leaving hearts under her posts. She ended up telling me that she was angry and jelous about it and first and one time didn’t talk to him for a couple of days. She said they ended up talking about it and that she’s on medication and that it was ocd.
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I just love it when real mental health issues are used to gaslight women who have legitimate concerns🙄.
Oh no, he's not cheating! It's just your anxiety and OCD that's the problem! (newsflash: he's cheating)
Oh no, he's not being negilent and abusive to you on purpose! It's just your anxiety and you should have CoMuNiCaTeD more to teach the poor little guy that what he did hurt you! (newsflash: he absolutely knew what he was doing).
The accusation of having mental health issues and certain kinds of "psychotherapy" have been used to control and silence "difficult" women for centuries. Don't fall for that.
Men gaslight Women to such a fundamental level it’s so sad, their are women who fall for it. Most men are so full of shit. It’s insane. If your friend does have OCD this situation is much more sensitive. OCD can make someone can end up questioning their own sanity. Is she seeing a therapist? Her husband is most definelty red pilled and is fucking with her mind. Does she know about this community, you could introduce her to FDS.
So basically he's having an affair or at the very least is at the start of one, and gaslights her to make her feel she's the f*ed up one? Cute.
Her "OCD" wouldn't exist if this guy was out of her life.
Y'all ever dumped a gaslighting scrote and watched your anxiety disappear, your insomnia get instantly cured, your stress levels dissipate, etc. Etc. Etc...
When we say a person is toxic, we literally mean these people are slow dripping poison into your subconscious and into your body. People who do this shit are nothing to take lightly. You *will* feel residual effects by staying around people like this. You will end up feeling "sick" in various ways. It is inevitable.
She has no choice but to leave him if she wants to save her sanity and if she ever wants to feel better again.
...well, that escalated quickly. Wow. The husband sounds like a gaslighting expert to me. I can't.🤦♀️ HE is practically starting a long distance affair but somehow THE WIFE is to blame?? Yup, sounds perfectly logical to me. /s
I hope he's gonna become an ex husband soon, but I don't have high hopes.
Your story sounds quite similar to what happened to my friend. My ex friend was engaged to now ex and she broke it off with him for another guy whom she met playing video games. We did not think it would lead in that way, but it’s these little instances as such that amount to infidelity.