To all my FDS queens, has this ever happened to you?
I’m at the age where people are getting married and having kids. All of my social media is littered with marriages, engagements, baby showers, and kids. I feel no rush to get settle down (or am I?). However whenever I open up social media, BAM! I’m hit in the face with someone’s wedding or baby!
How do you all cope with this?
The man who asked me to marry him who cheated on me with our best friends' little heroin addict sister is now married.
I know men who divorced and immediately went to get themselves a prostitute and fully plan to remarry.
I know a million miserable marriages and a million women who were erased as human beings when they became mothers.
Throughout my 30s many women displayed a lot of jealousy toward me with the freedom I had in being CF and unmarried. They still do... if it was all so good, why be jealous?
It just doesn't mean it is good when there is a baby or a marriage announcement, flat out. Just like how it doesn't mean it is bad when you are single.
Your path is your path and there is nothing wrong with it. Get solid in knowing that in your bones.
Been there. You have my sympathies. Now on the other side of 40, my social circle is full of people getting divorced, or complaining about their spouses and/or in-laws... it's the ciiiircle of liiiife 🤣
In real life I'm very cheery - that's because I never let a man suck the life out of me as my soul slowly dies, like so many others I'm observing around me. I'm not out here trying to make people feel bad about decisions they can't go back in time and do differently, so I don't say this to those people in real life.
But here - let this serve as a lesson to the younger women out there. As the old saying goes: "this too shall pass".
I feel slightly bad but then I get a dose of reality where women talk about how they are married for 10 + years and they feel like prisoners, they feel like single mothers with a ring on it, how they do almost everything alone while the husband works oversees.
People like to romanticize the fleeting moments of getting married and having a baby but never do they document how the man becomes hostile towards the wife when she’s pregnant. How they order pizza when you are risking your life.
One man had the nerve to be angry that his wife who is on chemo went to take a long nap instead of making him snacks to have while he watches football.
Women being happy in marriage is the exception to the rule. It does happen but most women are not privileged for such a wonderful life where a man actually acts like one.
I always admired Dolly Parton and how long she stayed married until I heard how she got inspired by the song Jolene. A woman flirts with her husband all the time and he enjoys the attention.
All my admiration flushed down the toilet when I realized that man is just a vintage scrote.
Hugh Jackman was always by Deborah’s side until he cheats on her and moves on with another woman.
Never ever assume you are missing out on things when you see ppl getting married or have a baby. But you’ll definitely miss out on true peace and happiness when you allow a XY creature to come between you and your dream.
With other words money is your true husband your dream is what you should never miss out on. Even men understand that part when they use you.
Yeah, a lot of the people around me, especially women, are getting married and starting families. For me, it doesn’t affect me because I understand what marriage and family truly entail, thanks to FDS and actually researching the origins of marriage. I’ve seen statistics showing that women file for and initiate over 70% of divorces. I’ve read women’s stories about what marriage is like and why they got a divorce, and it puts me off in every way. Unless you, as a woman, have met a unicorn male who is actually going to benefit your life, for the most part, marriage does not benefit women. The vows that men and women take when they are bonded for life are a very one-sided commitment. Women are purposely expected to be caretakers of men without any reciprocal investment from males. Men are 7x more likely to leave their sick wives. All I see is marriage as a joke, with men deliberately benefiting at the expense of women in this rancid, archaic institution, which was built off the oppression of women without women receiving any formal credit or recognition. Men thrive at women’s expense always, and the number one way they’ve been doing that is through marriage. It’s more degrading to me to be called a ‘wife’ than anything, because realistically, for the vast majority of women, it really means an indentured servant. All I see is women slaving away for these mediocre males and children they’ve birthed and raised—who won’t even get their last names. Doesn’t seem like a fun thing to me. I’m not in the business of giving other people credit for my work. Fuck that, and fuck marriage. It’s an inherently degrading institution.
I went through this exact same thing. When I was in my late 20s to my early 30s, all my friends suddenly got married and had kids and I felt like the odd one out. What helped me was reminding myself that everyone has their own path and staying off social media.
I personally dislike social media because people post these idealised pictures of their life and it's easy to fall into the trap of looking at these pictures and feeling inadequate in comparison. You have to remember though that what you see on social media isn't always the whole story. Most people only post the positive aspects of their life and not the negatives. Also some people downright lie on social media.
Stay off social media as much as possible and visit r/breakingmom when you need a cold hard dose of the reality of what married with children can be like.
I have a second account of most of my social media where I don't follow anyone I know and just follow meme pages. If I want to scroll, that's where I go.