I'm 20F and recently went on a date with this friend of mine (21M). I tentatively set up a second date with him, but blocked and deleted and ghosted for the following reasons.
He ghosted me first by unfollowing me on snap the day after the date and then refollowing.
He made alot of weird comments about my body despite knowing I'm ED'd, and some other women told me he sounds like a fetishizer.
I know I should've left much earlier, I just got the strength too, I keep getting tempted to go back. He was my first kiss and I tend to overromanticize men due to lack of experience. I'm afraid I'lll unblock him on Snapchat or try to find his number again in my blocked folder. I already feel bad for ghosting after saying I wanted to meet again and I have severe anxiety so I'm like what if he's secretly a psycho and sends threatening messages that I miss by blocking him?
OP, you did the right thing. I hope you're really feeling proud of yourself! Don't unblock him, ever, and every time you get tempted to, write/journal about it.
I used to do this every time I had waves of anger about how scrotes treated me or anytime I wanted to "cOmMunIcATe" my issues with them... a lot of times I wouldn't even end up finishing the writing because I would realize I was right, they are stupid, and continuously thinking about it was wasting my time. Because of the last one, I would usually laugh it off and immediately make the conscious effort to go do something better. It was crazy effective for me. Maybe try it?
Congrats on listening to your intuition and valuing it by blocking. If you’re only 20 years old now and practicing dating by doing what feels scary or ‘guilty’, you’ll be further ahead in your journey to confident dating in no time.
These are things I still work on internalising for myself, but sometimes it helps hearing them from someone else:
-There’s no need to feel guilt. But you’re not abnormal for feeling those weird things when dealing with men, I think all of us here have experienced this as a very normal side effect of our social conditioning, especially at your age. Guilt is what makes us perfect for being used and abused. If the fear of hurting his feelings or ego is too strong, maybe trick yourself by telling yourself that going on any further date with him against your gut feeling is deceptive and mean too as you would be inauthentic. Or ask yourself who feels guilty for YOU if you are feeling guilty for everything and everyone else? The equation doesn’t add up if you give all of your empathy until you have none.
-It’s highly unlikely that you’ll miss out on important or impressive texts by blocking him. Most likely, he sends an ‘u up?’ tomorrow night and until he realises your number doesn’t work anymore a couple days later, will be distracted by the other girls he has been actively chatting up in his contacts whose bodies he can creepily comment on while inviting them to disappointing dates.
You don’t owe your parents any information on your dating life. I think you know best how to package an explanation or an excuse in the case your family were to push for it.
You did best to your knowledge and abilities in this situation so you should stop the guilt, be proud of yourself for going against your conditioning and continue listening to your feelings.
Sweetie, you only had one date with this guy! You couldn't have left earlier. You actually did everything right (=leaving at the sight of the first red flag/flags) and you should be very proud!
This is normal, don't worry. You seem very smart and self aware and you're also admitting this reality to yourself, so that's the first step. Bravo! Can you also delete his number in addition to blocking so you can't go back even if you wanted to? If it's not possible, then just try to remember all the nasty stuff he said to you on your first date when you feel tempted. I hope it makes you repulsed enough not to go through with it. Write those things down on your phone or piece of paper and read it every time you get the withdrawals.
If it's the dopamine and thrill of the drama you're after (ADHD?) , try finding other sources of dopamine: gaming, romance series, books, whatever suits you. And friends of course.
This is normal too. You are very young and you've likely been socialized to take care of other people's emotional needs since you were a little girl. It takes a lot of work to deprogram that. When you get more experience with dating and blocking, you'll get used to it. You are also allowed to change your mind anytime you feel like it.
It took me over a decade to get as far as you are right now. You've got this, I'm rooting for you❤️
Why do you feel tempted to go back to a person who disrespected you? You know what you are dealing with. This is why I don't believe in the myth of switching or mask dropping and you had no idea he was like that. You know what he's like. When people show them who they are believe them.
I always get slack when I tell other women they need to choose better and you know how he's like and they keep on saying that they didn't but as soon as disrespect is served you know that it will go worse from there.
What if you go back to him and he promises that he'll change and you move in together and have a baby, but then the 'switch' happens and he mistreats you during pregnancy or he deliberately forgets your birthday or gives you nothing for Christmas, then you'll be one of these women who complain that the baby daddy sucks and how the kids are hurt that he ruined Christmas when you are the one who chose to make him their father.
Choosing the wrong man is not your fault, but staying or giving the wrong man another chance or even entertaining that idea is your fault when he acts up again. Would you stay with a TV when it's faulty? No you send it back and get a new one. That's how you treat a man, kick him to the curb when he acts faulty and find a better one.
Darling little sister, be encouraged! You are doing fine, and can be proud! Don't be too hard on yourself. We ALL struggle with this, even later in life. So, don't feel bad that you're struggling with this at such a young age. Stay strong, and don't take scraps from scrotes! #NoScrapsFromScrotes
Poison Ivy sucked the lives out of men with just one kiss and left them for dead. You sucked all the life you were ever got get outta him with that kiss. Leave him for dead by keeping him blocked. Next victim. 🌱
He’s red pilled for sure. Keep him on BLOCKED! He’s 21 and probably watches red pill content and he’s trying to run game on you. Please watch “dose of pink” on tiktok, her red medicine series. She goes into red pill content and the signs of how to know when a male is red pilled. Keep him on blocked. And omg were the same age btw 😭❤️❤️
Ghosting is the ultimate disrespect a man can give you. Why not feel disgust and rage at that? You're not even worth a fight to him.
Hey, please check out my latest post. I just posted a video on the tactics red pill males use.
Any time I've told men about my body insecurities, they'll actually use it against me to neg me. They think that they can use it to control you.