I've been told that I have "resting bitch face" and come across as aloof when I'm alone in public, and I've have multiple friends actually tell me that they thought I hated them when we first met even though I didn't. How can I look and act more approachable to men in public?
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A man just shot a cheerleader. A man just shot a kid and her parents for coming into his yard. A man just shot a teenager for coming to his door. A man pointed a gun at an employee at a store for some meat.
If you have the superpower of keeping men away, I would suggest you keep it.
Short answer: You don’t need to “seem“ more approachable.
Long answer: You don’t need to “seem“ more approachable.
Keep on keepin’ on. Your facial expression is just fine as it is.
Tell them they had resting idiot face. In many cultures, NON-resting bitch face, or smiling or looking happy for no reason, is an indicator that you are mentally impaired.
It is not your responsibility to smile or do anything with any part of your body including your face in order to make other people around you feel good. They can go get a circus monkey if they want to be entertained.
Your friends are all assholes and misogynists. Resting bitch face is something only women get accused of having.
However, I have noticed that people tend to make less eye contact and tend to mutter more and be distracted by their phones and other boring shit in this our modern zombie dystopian hell (created by men). Most westerners now completely lack the basic human interaction skills that were common 20 years ago (because of everything men have done to ruin the world).
If you want to try, though, try to just be genuinely interested and excited about talking to the other person on some level. People can tell when you like other people, and they will respond to it by either liking you back because they're cool, or being awful to you because they are an aforementioned zombie.
If you are literally just by yourself minding your own business, you can try to look around at stuff. If you happen to make eye contact with someone, flash a very brief half smile and eyebrow raise of acknowledgement, then go back to looking around. Put your phone away.
I lament this is our human condition now (caused by men).
I have had RBF all my life and it hasn't prevented worthwhile people from approaching me. Anyone who feels intimated or rejected for no reason other than my face can kindly f* off.
I agree with other commenters, I usually like to sport the Charlize Theron's look of murder and it generally works perfectly, but there are times where I want to look a bit more approachable as well.
I've recently switched countries within my company so I'm the new foreigner in the office. Since I'd like to use this opportunity to build my network, I like to use this technique - if I walk down the corridors, canteen or coffee corner, I pretend that in the distance, I see my best friend or someone that I really like meeting. It instantly puts a slight smile on my face and people are not that scared of me 😁 Paired with perfect posture and confident walk, it still weeds out disrespectful idiots but it's inviting enough for normal people who might be too shy when use my ice cold expression.
I don't use this all the time though, I deliberately choose the setting where I do. I already have to use my usual unbothered RBF for a bald, divorced man who purposely walks by my desk million times a day, smiling at me and trying to make small talk because he's arrogant enough to think that a pretty, accomplished eastern european newbie will fall to his knees as her saviour and will want to make a step mom to his two kids 😑
Resting bitch face is a misogynistic term. It's meant to shame women and trying to brainwash into looking a certain way to appease the patriarchy. Fuck all of that. Your face is perfectly okay and if it means keeping male predators away, all the better.
Yeah I have the same thing. I can't help it, it's how my face is. Unless, I'm supposed to walk around with a smile plastered on my face, and have people think something else is wrong with me. My mom has told me I look like I'm about to murder someone lol. I told her I'm probably keeping away the men who don't have good intentions. If a man is too scared too approach because of my neutral facial expressions then that's not my problem. Of course, she then went on about how if I would in general would want to approach someone who had a resting bitch face.
My facial expression is generally severe as well, just learn how to soften your eyes.
Why would you want to be “cold-called” by some strange guy in public?
Anyway, if he wanted to, he would.