Unless of course they are just trash people themselves. And I don't meant to insinuate the majority of pickmes are bad people- as opposed to simply just ignorant/misguided.
I recently rememebered a situation when I was working as a server at Denny's last year.
This wasn't my table- but a co-worker of mine had a table: a father, mother, and young child. The father kept sending stuff back and threatening to "not pay for anything" because the food was not to "his or his child's liking". It was literally chicken tenders and fries, and spagetti with sauce (stuff like that). Eventually my co-worker made it clear that if he didn't like any of the food, he did not have to eat/take it, but if he was going to eat it, he was going to have to pay for it.
He was beligerent and yelling, and my co-worker asked me if I could go over and take the payment in the end becuase she was frightened. From what I understood- he was trying to get all the food for free and was upset that she (nor I) wasn't having any of his shit/kow-towing to him.
Maybe it's just because I have no patience for scrotes/scrote-y behavior (in large part thanks to FDS), but I wouldn't give a damn how long I've been with someone or how many kids we have together- if my man ever was (unwarrented/undeservedly this disrespectful to ANYONE (let alone a service worker), I would rip him to shreds THEN AND THERE, and make it clear to the server that I do not condone that behavior (as well as leave a 200% tip for the trouble).
His wife/partner looked a bit humilated (and to her defence, perhaps she didn't know he was a scrote before having a kid with him). but ultimately if you are complacent in that situation- you are just as bad in my opinion. Especially if you have a child (and they witness this behavior), it is your duty to raise them not to be a D-bag (even if their father is one).
Although of course I understand why this woman in particular didn't do/say anything as it could have been a DV situation, so I am not shaming her in anyway, just want to hear y'all thoughts on this (and of course in non-DV/risky situations).
Also another question (that could be it's own post), but: Are all scrotes/LVM abusive in some form? Even if a guy is simply just LV/NV (not physically abusive), I feel like not adding to a relationship or draining a woman of her resources (while not giving back anything or even taking away in the case of a NV), is emotionally/mentally abusive in it's own way.
Can we stop pretending that pickme’s are not bad people? Idc what their iNtEnTiOn is, intent does not negate harm.
We have to be even more vigilant about pickme’s, their harm is more insidious because it is in our nature to give women the benefit of the doubt.
The problem is, a lot of them are delulu and literally possessed by their fantasy of receiving male validation. They’re “cool girls” so they gotta be down for whatever, like a doormat. This LV behaviour gives LVM opportunities to access not only her but her friends. Gahh. They are so naïve and toxic.
I recall a post on here of an FDS queen who had her girls over and one pickme invited her trash boyfriend without her permission and he entered her home AND expected to be catered to?!!! NAWWW
Sir, this is a Denny's
I think at the very base level, no person wants to be with anyone like that. I don't think she wants to be there or in that position. Oftentimes, I find that PickMes are a product of an extended period of their self worth being chipped away at until there just isn't much will there at all anymore.
Of course some people are just nasty. That's often them choosing to be. It's another thing to be with someone who is being that way.
I waited tables at a Denny's once, too, and it is cracking me up that all the food that was "not to his liking" is the stuff that comes straight out of a bag into a microwave/fryer. There's no cooking involved here, sir. Take it up with corporate.
What about when they're out to dinner at a nice restaurant, the woman is put together and the man looks like a slob. I mean...come on.