I’m still healing after finally breaking up with my narcissistic ex, but I want to stress the importance of loving yourself.
This person was extremely manipulative and completely banked on the fact that I was awful at enforcing boundaries. Long story short: I’m listed as his wife in the military database because he forged a marriage license with my name on it. I “consented” at the time and after I broke free I’m trying to rectify my mistake and after everything is said and done I’m anticipating a hefty fine on my side but my hope is that he pays for it tenfold.
I’ve always had a hard time enforcing boundaries with men and this person just completely showed me how much I distrusted and actively did not love myself. Please please please, love yourself enough to know that if someone does something that you do not feel comfortable doing, leave. You will be okay, I promise.
Those are some gnarly battle wounds that need healing! I also have a super hard time with boundaries and until now always assumed that giving 100% from the jump was what would help me gain respect. Part of it I think is just growing up from being young and not fully understanding real world consequences until they bite me in the ass. Don’t be too hard on yourself! Hindsight is 20/20 amiright??